Sunday, November 8, 2020

I Don't Like Racism by Tymeka Coney


***** ***** This book tells the story of racism through the eyes of a young African American girl, DaNyla, and her experiences with racism as she witnesses her cousin involved in police brutality and she tries to understand why racism exists. The book is powerful and beautifully Illustrated.
The message is delivered in very clear ways, it is jarring, as it should be. The topic is necessary and a good tool to discuss #BlackLivesMatter with younger kids. 

  • It has a necessary message for the #BlakLivesMatter Movement.

    I found it jarring, which is exactly how messages to protect lives of innocents should be delivered. It delivers the message without sugar coating racial bias.

    I give it five HUGE stars, because it is full of courage to address a most necessary issue 

  • What are your top 10 favorite books/authors? 

Too many books and Authors to name but I can throw out a few....T.D.Jakes, Joel Osteen, Devon Franklin- I have like 4+ of each of their books, Steve Harvey, Suze Orman, Terry McMillan-(Books to Movies), Tymeka Coney :), The Four Agreements, Think and Grow Rich, Linda Goodman- Astrology books(Intriguing info).  

  • What book do you think everyone should read?

The Bible. It has wisdom and guidance. It is a manual for direction/challenges in life and gives you insight into the future and how to navigate life's many challenges.  

  • How long have you been writing?

As far as I can remember I was writing since I was 5 years old.  

  • Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

Depending on what I am writing.. the process is different. If I am writing a stage play or a film or tv project, I have an idea and an outline of the characters I want to write about and then the dialogue from these characters drives the story. As far as the book the characters came as I was writing and once I saw the 1st illustration then my imagination continued to evolve.  

  • What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I don't do much research about the actual content of the book because the content comes from me internally. I do research on marketing and I look at other books in my genre and get inspired by their success and how they achieved it.  

  • Do you see writing as a career?

Yes!  I would love to have a full-time career as a writer and public speaker and be financially secure as a writer and not have to have supplemental income. I know there's nothing like doing what you love and making a living/getting paid for it.  

  • What do you think about the current publishing market?

I think that the publishing market is becoming more open and aware of great Self- Published books and indie publishers and not just major publishers and books published by major publishers. I think the publishing market is going more to online tours and online book sales and book readers and interactions as opposed to brick and mortar stores and in-person book signings and interactions. 

  • Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

I love reading. I like reading Self Help, Biographies, Business and Finance, and Inspirational Books.

  •  Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

OMG! I have to write in silence. I can concentrate and hear myself think and my thoughts and imaginations can flow without any distractions or interferences with the words and visions that flow to me when it's quiet. If I hear noise. I will focus on the noise and not the flow of thoughts coming to me. 

  • Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?

I have several book ideas and concepts and outlines at the same time but I can only focus on writing one book at a time so that I can give it the full attention to details it needs and complete it. 

  • If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?

I'm thinking of Chicken Soup for the Soul or The Purpose Driven Life. Both of these books inspire people and have sold millions of copies. 

  • Pen or type writer or computer?

Pen and Computer. 

  • Tell us about a favorite character from a book.

I enjoy Shakespeare and most of the characters in the performances in Shakespeare like Othello and Romeo and Juliet etc.  

  • What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

I enjoy being an author. I wrote poetry a lot and I compiled my collection of poetry into my first book and that was when I became an author 9 years ago. I wanted to write another book and this was a perfect time. I feel a sense of purpose and I enjoy sharing my thoughts to excel in the lives of others mentally and emotionally to evoke change.  I enjoy sharing my gift with the masses and meeting new people through the opportunities that being an author affords me.

  •  A day in the life of the author?

In the day and the life of an Author everyday can be different. It really depends on what process of writing or completing your book you are in. I know lately my days have been spent burning the candles at both ends talking to my publishers about my book design and layout and measurements and distribution for the book.

I spend time listening to webinars about publishing from successful authors. I spend time responding to and researching/ seeking opportunities to market and share the book with the target audience for the book and making sure that I have all of my materials for the book updated in terms of graphics and book links etc. and then I get up from the computer and take a walk for a breath of fresh air and a chance to think about my next plan of action for the book then I respond to some of my team members who have ideas about the book and marketing and then at the end of the day I try to catch up on personal chores and relax by connecting with my family, friends, loved ones and/or social media.  

  • Advice they would give new authors?

Advice I would give a new author is just to trust yourself and just write. Don't worry about format or anything structurally and just pretty much write what downloads to you and then when you are finished with this process then go back and deal with the format and structure so that these things don't prevent you from your creative process. I would say listen to webinars from other writers or find a mentor or research info about an author that writes the genre you desire to write.  

  • Describe your writing style.

My writing style is to write when I feel it and not force it. My writing style is to write what flows naturally even if I am writing a song...I listen to the beat and I write the first thing that comes to mind. When I style is to let it flow naturally and not second guess my natural instincts or what my gut feeling is telling me to write.  

  • What makes a good story?

I believe a good story is authentic and as they say when a writer writes what they know then it is authentic. A good story also has a good beginning, middle, and end and the protagonist is fighting for something and readers can instantly connect with the protagonist and the story and go on a journey with the story until the end.  

  • What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading my book over and over again and becoming excited for the release as it is currently in the Pre-Order stage. 

  • What is your writing process? For instance, do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first? What are common traps for aspiring writers?

I think outlines are great as they guide you even writing the table of contents can help you. I mentioned this before. Writers shouldn't second guess themselves but just flow with what they are passionate about, what they know about, what they have experienced. Everyone has a story to tell. Go with that and not what you think people want to hear but what you would like to share with them.  

  • What is your writing Kryptonite?

My writing Kryptonite is writing in a quiet place alone by myself. It is enjoying what I am writing so much that I look up and I'm like 30 pages in and that can be a script or a book manuscript. 

  • Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I am original in the initial creative writing process but after the 1st draft is done I then go back and edit it for what readers may want that's relative to what i've written in terms of marketing elements I can add to the overall finish of the project. It is a balance certainly between my original writing and the writing released to market and I try to look at it from both angles.  

  • If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

It would have been to write more and to make time to write something every day so that I could have more completed writing projects in my writer's vault. 

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

I don't have any challenges...I can hear all genders talking and having conversations when I write characters. 

  • How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Hmmmm......Well so all time record is a day. 

  • Do you believe in writer’s block?

I do believe in writer's block. When it happens on a particular project...Don't force it...Just start writing on something else that moves you.  

This book tells the story of racism through the eyes of a young African-American girl, DaNyla, and her experiences with racism as she witnesses her cousin involved in police brutality and she tries to understand why racism exists. She talks to her Mom, and her History Teacher about racism to better understand where it evolved, then she prays about it and decides to continue to dream and hope for change for a better tomorrow as she still continues to fight for what's right peacefully all while still loving her family and her multicultural friends.
This story will teach all ages, genders and nationalities about racism and it seeks to inspire us all to unite and love one another despite the color of our skin.

Tymeka Coney is an actress, producer, director, playwright, poet, songwriter, voiceover and now activist with the release of her new children's picture book, "I Don't Like Racism," which was inspired by the police brutality she has witnessed in the world and first hand. Tymeka's first book was "Words Unspoken: Volume I-Deeper Than Eyes Can See," poetry book released in 2011. She also has a Spoken Word album, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dreams," available on Amazon and her recent extended single "COVID 19- Social Distancing," also on Amazon.
She was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and now resides in Los Angeles, California where she gives back to the community by teaching young people how to read and write and acting.

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