Wednesday, July 29, 2015

DEFINED by OTHERS Paperback release @ #INDIEBOOKFEST2015

One of my favorite reviews
5Fascinating story line  on December 12, 2014
What would it take to corrupt someone and break their spirit, drive them to commit crimes and go insane? Pondering these deep questions, venturing into my own soul, is what I’m left with after putting down, MCV Egan’s, brilliant and cleverly written new age saga. What would or could possibly drive a group of 47 year old women to vengeful madness? Can we blame menopausal hormone changes; inherent psychological or post-traumatic stress incident predispositions; fear and denial of aging; or perhaps a mid-life crisis? Certainly any one of these, all of these, or other factors enter into the equation. It takes very intelligent writing to get a reader to a place of really having a look at themselves; but as the author so astutely states toward the end, in the narrative reflection, “can I get to know and forgive, look in the mirror and feel love,” and poignantly she points out, “it’s in there,” one cannot help but self-reflect.
What starts out with the death of a High School friend, Amanda, two of the main characters, Anne and Connie, get together to further the plan of the deceased; to hack cyberspace, make up fake accounts, and dupe other High School friends. The only reasoning is it’s for the forwarding of the challenge posed by the deceased, Amanda. But is that all? Intertwined in the plot is ostensible heartache and betrayal as we learn that Anne’s husband, Frank, and Connie’s husband, Mike, have become lovers. It would make sense then that from this raw vulnerable place they would be justified to embark on furthering Amanda’s sick cyber game of trumped up romance connections with innocent victims.
Whether it’s the pot smoking duo, tainted cookies, (aka: cookie mickey), the inner drive toward friends and to belong at all costs, finding love, and fear of losing it, something is driving the deceit and it is in this curiosity that the glue to the story is woven together with to make it a compelling read. This is a clever story with metaphysical new age scenes, current social medial insertions, and all that makes it ring contemporary. As the plot is carried along to the last and shocking ending, when the last page arrives and is shut it’s hard to stop thinking of this story. That’s the mark of really good writing.



Product DetailsOn August 15th, 1939, an English passenger plane from British Airways Ltd. crashed in Danish waters between the towns of Nykøbing Falster and Vordingborg. There were five casualties reported and one survivor. Just two weeks before, Hitler invaded Poland. With the world at the brink of war, the manner in which this incident was investigated left much open to doubt. The jurisdiction battle between the two towns and the newly formed Danish secret police created an atmosphere of intrigue and distrust. The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery. Fictional characters travel through the world of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as archives and historical sources to solve "one of those mysteries that never get solved." Based on true events and real people, The Bridge of Deaths is the culmination of 18 years of sifting through conventional and unconventional sources in Denmark, England, Mexico and the United States. The story finds a way to help the reader feel that s/he is also sifting through data and forming their own conclusions. Cross The Bridge of Deaths into 1939, and dive into cold Danish waters to uncover the secrets of the G-AESY.The Bridge of Deaths Revised Edition: A Love Story and A Mystery

M.C.V. Egan is the pen name chosen by Maria Catalina Vergara Egan. Catalina was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1959, the sixth of eight children, in a traditional Catholic family. From a very young age, she became obsessed with the story of her maternal grandfather, Cesar Agustin Castillo--mostly the story of how he died. She spent her childhood in Mexico. When her father became an employee of The World Bank in Washington D.C. in the early 1970s, she moved with her entire family to the United States. Catalina was already fluent in English, as she had spent one school year in the town of Pineville, Louisiana with her grandparents. There she won the English award, despite being the only one who had English as a second language in her class. In the D.C. suburbs she attended various private Catholic schools and graduated from Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland in 1977. She attended Montgomery Community College, where she changed majors every semester. She also studied in Lyons, France, at the Catholic University for two years. In 1981, due to an impulsive young marriage to a Viking (the Swedish kind, not the football player kind), Catalina moved to Sweden where she resided for five years and taught at a language school for Swedish, Danish, and Finnish businesspeople. She then returned to the USA, where she has lived ever since. She is fluent in Spanish, English, French and Swedish. Maria Catalina Vergara Egan is married and has one son who, together with their five-pound Chihuahua, makes her feel like a full-time mother. Although she would not call herself an astrologer she has taken many classes and taught a few beginner classes in the subject.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Blessing in Disguise "The Separation" by Danielle Nutter


Life as Danielle knew it vanished! A new world of spiritual awareness and development miraculously appeared. In spite of this, the new beginning set off a series of events that erupted deep undesirable emotions and surfaced repressed issues that led to depression, hopelessness and borderline suicide. Discover how Danielle was able to heal her broken heart, awaken as a spiritual being and presently live her life as an example for others to learn and follow.


Monday, July 27, 2015

ELEANOR PARKER SAPIA, Artist and Author presents ~ A Decent Woman a Novel
Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico, at the turn of the century:
Ana Belén Opaku, an Afro-Cuban born into slavery, is a proud midwife with a tempestuous past. After testifying at an infanticide trial, Ana is forced to reveal a dark secret from her past, but continues to hide an even more sinister one. Pitted against the parish priest, Padre Vicénte, and young Doctór Héctor Rivera, Ana must battle to preserve her twenty-five year career as the only midwife in town.
Serafina is a respectable young widow with two small children who marries an older wealthy merchant from a distinguished family. A crime against Serafina during her last pregnancy forever bonds her to Ana in an ill-conceived plan to avoid a scandal, and preserve Serafina’s honor, her new marriage, and her place in the world.
Set against the combustive backdrop of a chauvinistic society, where women are treated as possessions, A Decent Woman is the provocative story of these two women as they battle for their dignity and for love against the pain of betrayal and social change.




Historical novelist, Eleanor Parker Sapia was born in Puerto Rico and raised as an Army brat in the United States, Puerto Rico, and many European cities. As a child, she could be found drawing, writing short stories, and reading Nancy Drew books sitting on a tree branch. Eleanor’s life experiences as a painter, counselor, alternative health practitioner, a Spanish language social worker, and a refugee case worker, continue to inspire her writing. Eleanor loves introducing readers to strong, courageous Caribbean and Latin American women who lead humble yet extraordinary lives in extraordinary times. Her debut historical novel, A Decent Woman, set in turn of the century Puerto Rico, has garnered praise and international acclaim. She is a proud member of PENAmerica and the Historical Novel Society. A Decent Woman is July 2015 Book of the Month for Las Comadres and Friends National Latino Book Club. Eleanor is currently writing her second historical novel titled, The Island of Goats, set in Puerto Rico, Spain, and Southern France. When Eleanor is not writing, she loves facilitating creativity groups, and tells herself she is making plans to walk El Camino de Santiago a second time. Eleanor has two loving grown children, and currently lives in wild and wonderful West Virginia.

Monday, July 13, 2015


I am featuring more than one author. throughout the hop. There are simply too many I admire. I chose Carmen because she has a wonderful writing style and clever imagination. I also chose Carmen because she has compiled such an impressive list of bloggers and tools which she so generously shares with all authors.
the native country of the infamous vampire Count Dracula, but where, for about 50 years of communist dictatorship, just speaking about God, faith, reincarnation or paranormal phenomena could have led someone to great trouble - the psychiatric hospital if not to prison.Teacher of English and German in her native country and mother of two daughters, Carmen Stefanescu survived the grim years of oppression, by escaping in a parallel world that of the books. 
She has dreamt all her life to become a writer, but many of the things she wrote during those years remained just drawer projects. The fall of the Ceausescu’s regime in 1989 and the opening of the country to the world meant a new beginning for her. She started publishing.
                                         She has joined the volunteer staff at MFRW blog.
Format: Kindle Edition
Shadows of the Past Carmen Stefanescu's Shadows of the Past was a great read that I enjoyed from the first page through the last sentence, that I was sorry to see end; I tried to savor this one, make it last, that's how entertaining a read it is. The author writes a tightly worded, intelligent, story, a story within a story, then and now, from a past that needed resolution in a modern day couple. The dreams and visions the protagonist, Anne, experienced set the stage for the unfolding of a story, brilliantly told, moving through her as a past life apparition, Genevieve. The character development of Anne and her partner Neil, and other story counterparts is really well done, but the star of he story is the tragic Genevieve, as if taken from the pages of Shakespeare, one can not imagine less unfortunate issues to befall a human being, and in counterpoint is the lusciously evil antagonist the Abbess, who you read page after page hoping she gets hers. The pages invite the reader in with a wanting to know what is going to happen to Anne, to Genevieve, and page after page as the tension builds the reader is not disappointed. This is an excellently crafted work, by an author who clearly knows how to write, who understands literature, and knows how to tell a compellingly great story. I loved this one.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A review ..... "Deceptively Dark"

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Anne is a piece of work.

I related to her - at first. She's a woman preoccupied with always finding the perfect word for a situation, observation, emotion. I get that.

When her husband runs screaming out of their fabulously appointed closet, her wordsmithing helps her make the adjustment from seemingly happy mother and wife, to middle aged divorcee. It also helps distance her from the pain and embarrassment of her circumstances. I get that, too. Middle age can be tough enough without the added slap of a busted-up marriage.

Ultimately, however, Anne's ability to separate pain from experience leaves her in a strange, hollow place. One lacking empathy, and wallowing in an overabundance of rationalization.

Anne, we discover, is dangerous.

Defined By Others is a deceptively dark book. That's what I liked so much about it. On the surface it's about life changes, reconnecting with friends, making sense of the past and taking the first shaky steps in planning a future after a devastating blow.

But it's also about casual cruelty, revenge, wasted lives, and wasted love. When I finished the book, I needed a drink.


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Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...