Wednesday, September 28, 2016

❤ COMING SOON❤ Oct 4th , 2016 ~ A Wicked Halloween: A Paranormal Romance Box Set of Tales Featuring Witches, Vampires, Shifters, Ghosts, and More... Kindle Edition



A set of paranormal romance tales that will thrill and chill you just in time for All Hallow's Eve. With many of the stories set in Salem—the ultimate city for witchy, demon, and shape-shifting delight—these tales will enthrall you with their sexy heroes and spellbinding characters. Salem has never been this hot!

~Titles in A Wicked Halloween~
A Touch of Soul by Gwen Knight
Charmed by the Salem Witch by Debbie Herbert
Malediction by Erzabet Bishop
Behind The Mask by C.E. Black
Ethereal Protector by Angelica Dawson
The Party by Charlie Daye
A Million Shadows by Cecilia Dominic
A Modern Day Witch Hunt by Kiki Howell & Gina Kincade
So Mote It Be by Phoenix Johnson
Salem's Embrace by Sherrie Lea Morgan
Midnight in the Salem Cafe by Elizabeth A Reeves
De-Witched by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Pandemonium Unleashed by Hope Welsh

Meet the Authors

Amazon Bestselling Author Gwen Knight
Amazon Bestselling Author Debbie Herbert
International, Award Winning, Bestselling Author Erzabet Bishop
Amazon Bestselling Author C.E. Black
International, Award Winning, Bestselling Author Angelica Dawson
Amazon Bestselling Author Charlie Day
Award Winning, Bestselling Author Cecilia Dominic
International, Award Winning, Bestselling Author Kiki Howell 
International, Award Winning, Bestselling Author Gina Kincade
International, Award Winning, Bestselling Author Phoenix Johnson
Amazon Bestselling Author Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Amazon Bestselling Author Hope Welsh

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The Storyteller's Book

YA Sci-fi/Fantasy
Date Published:  November 2015

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“…you must realize and accept, neither me, your mum, nor either of you are human.”

Nick and Mel are 14 year old twins living normal lives with their parents. When they discover an ancient book in the attic and read from it, strange events begin to happen around them. Something has been awakened which prompts their parents to take them away to a town called Midway where they reveal to the twins that they are not human. They had been hidden on Earth, brought up as though they were human, awaiting the right moment for the truth to be told.

When their parents mysteriously disappear on their first night away, they are forced to discover for themselves what their roles are in the new lives they’ve been thrown into. They struggle alone as they try to understand and balance their past human lives with their alien destiny. When the book they discovered at their home is stolen, it falls on the twins to recover it. The book has a lot more power than they realised, and if they fail, it will not be they who suffer, but the whole human race.

Along the way, they meet an array of characters, some will become friends, some will become enemies, who can they trust? For now, they can trust only each other.

About the Author

Kevin Fleming has lived in Liverpool, England, all his life, born into a family with roots in Ireland, Yorkshire and London. All his family apart from he and his wife have long since left Liverpool to spread across the globe, even as far as New Zealand. He feels as though his ancestors all congregated in Liverpool, dropped him off then quietly left.
Even as a child he wanted to write a book but never had the patience to continue beyond the first page. Despite many more failed attempts through his teens, the thought of completing a novel stayed with him as an adult working in telecommunications and afterwards running his own business. In 2012 he decided he’d been employed enough for one lifetime and concentrated on writing.
After all the years of trying, ‘The Storyteller’s Book’ finally arrived, quickly followed by 'The Mines of Kothkish', ‘The Warlords of Shreen' and finally 'Carnival of the Otherworld’, to form the series, The Chronicles of Midway.
Married for over thirty years, he has a daughter and son who have now left home and are building lives for themselves elsewhere in England.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Great Giveaways during "A Night in Paris"

Royal Palm Ballroom: FANFARE: This Indie BookFest-exclusive party gives readers a special chance to socialize with their favorite authors - and make new friends, too.
Our theme this year is A Night in Paris.
Paris... the perfect city to combine mystery, suspense, literature, erotica, paranormal and of course... romance!
Readers can visit the authors as they enjoy delicious food and a cash bar. Our DJ will provide rocking tunes... and there will be a photo booth for capturing those once-in-a-lifetime memories.
Attendees will receive a fabulous goody bag, which includes a ticket to The Dating Game: Book Edition!

Orlando, Florida - October 7, 8 & 9 - 2016

#IndieBookfest celebrates Indie, Hybrid, and Traditional Authors and Artists and their freedom of

expression. Join some of your favorite Authors for a convention filled with workshops, panels, parties and more! You won’t want to miss the sessions throughout the day, where several panelists will be speaking on a variety of topics relevant to readers, book lovers, and writers.

ICARUS RISING by N.W. MOORS ~ The second Chance Series BOOK 1

Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 9/6/16 
Publisher: Sunday Morning Publishing

After his fall to Earth, Icarus has been in Hell, punished for his hubris. When he wins a chance at parole, he's thrilled - except for the set of wings attached to his body. 

Eve Gregory runs a small bookstore in northern Connecticut. When she hires the handsome stranger to work for her, she doesn't know the secrets he's hiding. Or that becoming involved with him will embroil her with the Greek gods and goddesses. 

Icarus and Eve must perform a quest set down for them by Zeus. If they are successful, will that be end of their relationship? Or will love teach them a new way to soar?

N.W. Moors lives in Portland, Maine, the land of lobster and pine trees. She grew up in Connecticut and retired north(it's nice along the coast in winter). She's a voracious reader and avid traveler - she loves to visit Great Britain and Ireland. Researching trips meant that she tries to learn as much about the area as possible and listen to great Celtic music. She's also a knitter and hiker/walker with two cats(the cats don't walk). She truly appreciates you sharing this adventure with her. She will continue to write about magic, love, and the small town of Antrim, Maine. Please leave reviews and like her Facebook page or follow her blog or twitter feed for further updates. Facebook:

Contact Information
Twitter: @antrimcycle

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Fiction, Political Fiction
Date Published:  March 2016

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Are you fed up with politics, payoffs, corporate mega-profits at a cost to taxpayers, immunization of white collar crime, bribes and favors guiding the decisions made by our elected officials? Have you had ENOUGH of politics? There is only one way to fix it – rewrite the rules. It can be done!

Midwest Book Review “Highly Recommended”

Billionaires and Bagmen: What Happens When A Small Town Takes Them On, offers a surprising solution to the question many people are asking since the Conventions: How can we take our lives back from an over-reaching government, Wall Street power brokers, lobbyist-written laws, the billionaires who buy them off and candidates we don’t like?

His answer is for local governments to simply ignore Big Brother’s rules and write their own. All across America, town by town, regardless of who is president or who big money controls. It’s called Civil Disobedience.

History is full with examples of people refusing to abide by laws they consider unjust or immoral. In Billionaires and Bagmen, Bourhis explores the possibility of a whole town doing just that. This entertaining political thriller, described by the Midwest Book Review as “deftly crafted and compelling,” also a blueprint of how it could be done.

Sean Cogan, a funny, prickly, charismatic economist turned venture capitalist, is convinced that our system is no longer “of, by and for the people,” that all three branches of government are bought and paid for, and that reform efforts are a complete joke. He believes that no matter who happens to be President, we have become a nation held in a vice grip by powerful billionaires, corrupt multinational corporations and their bagmen: the politicians and lobbyists who carry out their agendas.

Billionaires and Bagmen - What Happens When a Small Town Takes Them OnHe gathers up a few old high school friends in their small town and decides to shake things up. Sean convinces them that if something dramatic doesn’t happen now, the very concept of self-government will become obsolete.

He heads to town hall, plunks down $250 and registers an initiative to be put on the November ballot for his hometown of Fairview to declare its independence from everybody. Jen Renton, a gorgeous, burned-out corporate lawyer who has morphed into a Tibetan Buddhist massage therapist; Ollie Waterson, Sean’s political opposite, with an “Don’t Tread On Me!” bumper sticker on his HumVee and a couple other friends become part of his team.

From a savvy newspaper reporter to a secretive former CIA agent who knows how the game is played to the idiot alcoholic mayor of the town who tries to sabotage the initiative to a controversial talk show host with an agenda, things start to spin out of control. Particularly when the powers that be in Washington become concerned that this independence movement could take on a life of its own.

Cogan and his gang plow ahead in spite of the collusion of spies, lobbyists, a controversial talk show host and a whole boatload of other unsavory characters. It’s an exciting, scary and dangerous ride.
The climate for real change ripens. But is it too late?

About the Author

Ray Bourhis is uniquely qualified to be a political pundit and an enemy of unbridled corporate and political corruption. A lawyer practicing out of San Francisco and Santa Barbara, California,

Bourhis has been at the forefront of the battle against greed and excessive power for most of his life.

Bourhis grew up in the tough neighborhood of Elmhurst in Queens, New York. He credits an attempt by local street gang members to throw him, at the age of twelve, into a blazing bonfire with helping him develop the survival skills needed to spend his legal career taking on insurance companies.

Bourhis got his BA at Ohio State University. In his senior year, he created the University’s first mascot in eighty-five years with his then girlfriend, Sally Lanyon. Ray and Sally launched the mascot, unannounced, onto the football field in the middle of the marching band’s homecoming half-time show. When he waddled off the field, 82,000 fans chanted, “We want the mascot! We want the mascot!” and the OSU icon, now known as Brutus Buckeye, was born. .

After graduating from Ohio State, he took a job teaching in a rural high school in Appalachia, where he got fired for putting together a pilot project with Senator Robert Kennedy for students to work on Indian Reservations during the summer. Bourhis became one of Kennedy’s key staffers, working with the Senator on his presidential campaign.

Later Bourhis joined the Domestic Peace Corps (VISTA) and was sent to California as a community organizer with the farm workers. His passion for fighting for the underdog ultimately led him to the UC Berkeley School of Law. He decided on law as a career because he wanted to make a difference. Bourhis was inspired by the giants then serving on the Supreme Court, judges who bore little resemblance to those serving on the court today. While at Berkeley he founded a student-funded public interest law firm that was promptly vetoed by the University Board of Regents. The firm later became known as CalPirg (California Public Interest Research Group).

Since law school Bourhis has specialized in representing policyholders in cases involving the wrongful denial of long-term disability (LTD) insurance claims. His firm has set legal precedents and obtained record verdicts and settlements in that field. Again, this reflects his passion for fighting for the underdog.

Bourhis’ Billionaires and Bagmen reflects a lifetime of disdain for  what he considers the hijacking of America by an increasingly pro-business Supreme Court that has consistently ruled against “the people” and in favor of multi-national corporations. He believes and hopes that what happens with Sean Cogan and his friends in Fairview may well turn fiction into fact.

In addition to Billionaires and Bagmen, Bourhis is the author of the nonfiction book Insult to Injury and the soon to be released Preemption: A License to Steal Your Medical/ LTD Benefits. He also co-authored The Autobiography of Brutus Buckeye: As Told to His Parents Sally Lanyon and Ray Bourhis, published in 2015 to honor Brutus’ 50th birthday.

Bourhis lives in San Francisco and Montecito, CA.

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Monday, September 26, 2016

Boktjuven: Harry Potter & The cursed child i London

Boktjuven: Harry Potter & The cursed child i London: Den 22-23 september, dvs i torsdags och fredags så var jag med familjen i London för att se pjäsen Harry Potter and the cursed child. ...

Paranormal Contemporary Medical Romance

Paranormal & Contemporary Medical Romance Boxed Set

Carole P Roman - Captain No Beard, the series - Week Blitz

Children’s Fiction
Date Published: July 3, 2012 -  December 31, 2015









The Captain No Beard series has nine published books in the series.  They all take place in the imagination of a young boy who pretends he and his friends are pirates.  Each book teaches valuable lessons. The Captain No Beard series can open discussions on important subjects such as sharing, bossiness, bullying, responsibility, and stranger danger. Using imagination, the crew of the Flying Dragon navigates the waters of the world, learning valuable lessons along the way.  Whether the topic is sharing, tolerance, stranger danger or bullying, the crew resolves their issues together with humor and sensitivity.
 Carole P Roman - Captain No Beard, the series - Week Blitz

Award-winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons and combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us. She has two highly successful series and is launching this new exciting series about civilizations throughout time. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.

Contact Information

Twitter: @caroleproman

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Friday, September 23, 2016


The Bradens at Peaceful Harbor
New York Times & USA Today bestseller Melissa Foster


Kelly is an international best selling author with novels that are traditionally and Indie published. She writes romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance. Her aim is to write about gripping characters in tense situations that keep a reader turning the pages. She also spends a great deal of time helping other writers through her Writing Tips on her website and as a member of the Florida Writer's Association.

When not writing, Kelly enjoys spending time with her husband of 30 years and her two college age children, when they find the time. She lives in Florida and enjoys all that living in the sunshine state brings, boating, fishing, beaches, theme parks, and more. Her favorite pass time is reading (what a surprise!) She likes Thrillers, Romantic Suspense, and Romantic Comedy.

Secrets of a Wolf on AMAZON
A tragic event ruins Daphne Valentine’s career as a K-9 cop and department veterinarian in Seattle. Devastated, she escapes to Spirit Rock, South Dakota, to start over as the vet for an animal wildlife rescue park. When she arrives, nothing goes quite as planned—especially when she meets her new boss for the first time and she’s almost stark naked. Not the greatest first impression…or is it?

A confirmed bachelor, Cameron Gray is shocked at his instant attraction to his new employee. He soon learns she carries quite a bit of extra baggage, but even so, his desire to possess the sexy vet ignites him with a need he and his wolf can’t ignore. But all is not what it seems…. What exactly drove Daphne to leave her successful career and move to Seattle?

When dangerous poachers bring the two together in the line of duty, Daphne discovers Cameron’s secret, forcing her to question every decision she’s made since arriving in Spirit Rock. Will the tender new love they’ve found be enough to hold them together or drive them apart forever?

Join the Gray brothers in Spirit Rock, South Dakota. Gifted with the power to shift into their own unique spirit animal, they have been bestowed with the enormous responsibility of watching over their ancestral canyon. Their strength and conviction will be tested…as will the depth and breadth of their heart and soul.


Facebook: Kelly Abell Author

Hi. I have a paranormal series that I've very fond of. The first book is free to get people interested. I have an adult coloring book to go along with it as a companion.
Here the links. Let me know what else you need.  I've also attached my author photo. 

Links to the Guardians of Spirit Rock Series.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Orlando, Florida - october 7, 8 & 9 - 2016

Indie Bookfest celebrates Indie, Hybrid, and Traditional Authors and Artists and their freedom of expression. Join some of your favorite Authors for a convention filled with workshops, panels, parties and more! You won’t want to miss the sessions throughout the day, where several panelists will be speaking on a variety of topics relevant to readers, book lovers, and writers.

#IndieBookFest2016 COUNTDOWN ....

Orlando, Florida - october 7, 8 & 9 - 2016

Indie Bookfest celebrates Indie, Hybrid, and Traditional Authors and Artists and their freedom of expression. Join some of your favorite Authors for a convention filled with workshops, panels, parties and more! You won’t want to miss the sessions throughout the day, where several panelists will be speaking on a variety of topics relevant to readers, book lovers, and writers.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

PLACES IN MY HEART by Sheryl Lister

Book releases:  Oct 1, 2016

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

About The Book 

Omar Drummond is a pro football superstar with a body that’s a pure work of art. But Morgan Gray is forbidden to act on their chemistry, or repeat their impulsive kiss. Proving her worth as a sports agent means securing the notorious celebrity as a client, not a lover. Yet between flowers, sweet notes and heady hotel interludes, Omar is shamelessly seducing her...

Other agents—and exes—have tried using Omar as a meal ticket, and he’s closed himself off from emotional entanglements. With Morgan, it’s a whole new playbook. Smart and tough, she can negotiate a contract and turn him on all in one go, and he craves more. But in matters of trust, he’s just fumbled badly. To win her he has to show her the man he can be away from the field and the limelight, and hope that this time they’re both playing for keeps.

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About the Author

Sheryl Lister has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She writes contemporary and inspirational romance and romantic suspense. She been nominated for an Emma Award and RT Reviewer’s Choice Award and named BRAB’s 2015 Best New Author. When she’s not reading, writing or playing chauffeur, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers and bite-sized desserts. Sheryl resides in California and is a wife, mother of three daughters and a son-in-love, and grandmother to two very special little boys.

Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...