Saturday, July 28, 2018

Win a $10 AMAZON card from Amarie Avant

Release day 8/6/2018

Trapped in a seedy world, stripped of her dignity and her past, Mary Jane has nothing. Not even a future to dream about. Every bone in her body screams to trust no one. Not even herself. When her abductor’s most loyal hitman unexpectedly offers her the chance to escape a harem of hopeless women, she acts on sheer instinct and seizes the opportunity to run—only to crash into a rugged, steely-eyed cop who seems to be able to shrug off anything but the weight of his dark, gut-wrenching past. For Dylan Wulf, dealing with the dysfunctional Mary Jane is just another day at the cop shop. He can even ignore the temptation to give a damn about the lawless beauty—a mistake he can’t afford to make again. Until she forces him at gunpoint to drive. Flying bullets warn that someone wants her badly enough to kill. Pursued by ruthless henchmen and dirty cops, Wulf and Mary Jane are plunged into a world of twisted schemes, dangerous obsession, and forbidden desire. Following a bloody trail of fragmented memories, Mary Jane’s past could lead them to safety—or certain death. Killing Mary Jane is a riveting thriller, with dark action. Fans of Quentin Tarantino’s films and the smash HBO hit West World will find this action-packed ride keeps you pulling the pieces of the puzzle until the end.

CLICK here to read an extended excerpt that will pull you into this crazy, roller-coaster of fun!


With a B.A. in psychology and a M.A. in counseling, Amarie Avant has spent a career in the mental health field. She has dominated Amazon’s Top 100 with a romantic thriller, Black Queen, Dark Knight and headed the charts with the contemporary romance, Make Me Stay. Killing Mary Jane is a summer-action packed thriller, so why fight against the August heatwave, when you can be in your home, cool, an curled up with this witty read?
 Enter to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card by filling out the form below.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

OATH OF A WARRIOR Legends of the Fenian Warriors, Book 2 by Mary Morgan

Genre: Scottish Historical Fantasy Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

"You met them in the Order of the Dragon Knights. Now, journey to the realm of the Fae and witness their legends!"

Fenian Warrior, Rory MacGregor’s love conquests are legendary, but he has never spoken of the one mortal female who captured his heart. After his dark secret is finally revealed, he is ordered to return and seal the wounds left open by her death. Yet, he finds the timeline altered and swears an oath to rewrite fate, even if it brings about his own death.

Erina MacIntyre is known for her healing herbs and love charms. Determined to aid others, she refuses to listen to the whispers that call her a witch. When a Highlander steps forth into her path, he ignites a thread of strange familiarity and sparks a flame of desire she is unable to control.

Can the destiny of two lovers find love once more among the ashes of death and betrayal? Or will history repeat itself, leaving a scorching path of destruction for both mortals and Fae alike?

“Erina, mo ghrá,” he groaned, taking her mouth with savage intensity. She tasted of honey and spices, filling him completely and easing the torment that continually plagued him.

Breaking free, he placed his hands on either side of the door. Giving her all of him required something more from Erina. Without the assurance of accepting him for what he was, Rory would be a lost man.

Are ye certain ye want to ken all of me? I want ye as sure as the sun rises and sets over the land each day, but ken this, Erina—there is more to me than a simple bedding. There are things about me that might frighten ye. What I’m about to share with ye may cause ye to question my existence, or worse, my sanity.”

Her laugh was seductive and soothing as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “From the moment ye stepped through those trees that first day, I realized ye were not like any man I had encountered. It was as if the trees parted and ye came forth from inside them.” She brushed her fingers along his brow. “For one, ye have the most mesmerizing eyes and they shift colors.”

“And the second?”

Her face turned a rosy glow, yet, she held his gaze. “I thought your body chiseled from the old Gods, especially with all the markings on your back and arms.”

His gaze swept over hers. “I am nae God, Erina, though some would call me a demon.”

She traced a finger down along his arm and shook her head. “Ye are not a monster, but I am nae fool. Ye are not like other men, Rory. I have seen the markings on your body elsewhere.” Her finger curved around his shoulder and he trembled. “They are similar to the ones on the standing stones carved by the ancients.”

Rory fought the tide of emotions sweeping through him. She had come to the conclusion all on her own. “And ye would not flee if I told ye I was one of those ancients? One where the bards wove tales of giants who lived thousands of years ago among your own people? Others would call the story incredulous and filled with heathen words.” He held his breath, fearing her reply.

The smile she gave him speared straight to his soul. “Nae. I would not flee.”

You met them in the Order of the Dragon Knights. Now, journey to the realm of the Fae and witness their legends! 

Fenian Warrior, Conn MacRoich has traveled the earth for thousands of years, guarding the realm between mortal and Fae. His deeds are legendary. Yet, one mistake will force him on a journey to fix a broken time-line. However, on Conn’s quest, he must face a human female who will eventually bring this ancient warrior to his knees.

When Ivy O’Callaghan inherits her uncle’s estate, she never imagines there will be more secrets to unravel, including the one she hides from the world. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she learns to trust and step out of the shadows. However, nothing prepares Ivy when she learns Conn's true identity.

As the loom of fate weaves a thread around the lovers from two different worlds, will the sacrifices they make lead them to love? Or will their secrets destroy and separate them forever?

Award-winning Celtic paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan, resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.

Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn't until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling--writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.

If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of magic, then time-travel within the pages of her books.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Lies & Deceit The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston, Book 3 by Liza O'Connor

Genre: Historical, Regency (right after the end of the Napoleon wars) through Early Victorian

Despite her lack of dowry and cloudy past, Amy Winston becomes one of the most sought-after young ladies in the London marriage mart. Some desire her for her beauty and charm while others appreciate her unique skills of seeing with her mind, healing with her hands, and disappearing in plain sight. By her choice of husbands, she secures her safety. However, her marriage almost brings the English Parliament to its knees.

Amy studied the young man for a moment. “Are you an only child?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Did you like your nanny?”

“Very much.”

“And your tutors?”

“Not so much.” His forehead crinkled in annoyance. “Is there some point to your questions?”

Darby sighed and stared at the ceiling in exasperation. “She is trying to figure out why you are such a pompous ass and expect to have your way all the time. She has no doubt concluded from her three questions that you were spoiled by your nanny into a horrid monster of a boy who has no idea how to make or keep friends, and clearly from your display today, she will conclude you’ve not made much progress since.” He then looked at Amy. “You can move me to the fourth dance if you are still willing to give this brat a chance. In his favor, he’s a very good dancer and can be an interesting conversationalist, if you can keep him from talking about himself.”

Amy ran an arrow to the forth line for Darby and added JM on the third line.

“Why does Darby get more letters?” Marsh asked.

Amy laughed and added vsgd at the end of his initials for ‘very spoiled good dancer’.

“That doesn’t spell anything…”

At this point, Ann felt compelled to intervene. “John, you’ve got your dance, dear. Stop bullying Amy and leave now.”


For some, Amy is an angel incarnate; for others, she is the child of Satan. In her early years, Amy learns the skills of a soldier and discovers she can heal with the touch of her hand. Upon the death of her beloved Uncle John, he stays as a protective ghost to assist the soldiers in their vigilant efforts to keep her safe. Never has a girl arrived at Madam Cousec’s School for Young Ladies with more charm, more friends, or greater protection. She’ll need them all to survive the head girl and set her future in motion.

John turned his attention back to the girl. Her dark hair was wild and matted. In the center of the mats was dried caked blood. No doubt from the stones the townspeople threw.

The girl spoke rapidly in a shrill voice, declaring she was “bad, evil, the devil’s whore, and to go away, go away, go away.”

He suspected the voice was not hers but a mimic of the people who had said these cruel words. Suddenly, her voice dropped lower in a mimic of a man and she quoted dark bible passages about casting out demons.

Dear God, was it possible these were her parents’ words?

“Tell me the name, tell me the name, damn you!” the voice bellowed.

Finally, he heard the girl’s own voice. The pain and misery it held tore at his old battle-weary heart.

“There is no name,” she cried. “There was no man. Only a dream while I rested on the banks.”

“Then it’s the seed of Satan and it’ll not be raised in my house!” her voice deepened and bellowed

Inside the bundle of cloth, she held tight to her chest, a baby’s wail rose, almost as if in protest to her words. The baby’s cry startled her and for one terrible moment, John feared she would toss the child over the edge.

Then her madness dissipated, and she transformed into a young mother fretting over her new child, soothing it with soft words, as she sat down upon the ground. She opened her filthy torn blouse and placed the baby upon her right breast, rocking the child softly while it nursed. Her face held love and adoration for her helpless infant.

John knew he must save this young girl and her baby. She was not yet lost to madness.


When Amy and her friend Domnika arrive in London, she discovers her guardian, Nicolas, is under the thrall of his ‘perfect’ wife. Neither is happy she has come. The only person who seems pleased with her arrival is the handsome valet, Antonio, who turns out to be far more than a servant.

Needing to escape her guardian’s care, Amy and Domnika take refuge at a fellow schoolmate’s home. Antonio leaves Nicolas’ service and becomes one of her many protectors. Unlike the other protectors, he becomes the first of many admirers that vie for her hand.

All the while, Nicolas continues to prove over and over that he is not the fine fellow her uncle had thought.

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As Nicolas and his valet, Antonio, sat on a bench overlooking the docks, Antonio interrogated him about Uncle John’s niece.

“Is she intelligent?”

“Frighteningly so. By now I suspect she knows more than most doctors in London about medicine.”

Antonio smiled. “A practical woman as well.”

“I hardly would call it a practical vocation,” Nicolas objected. “No one will ever accept a female doctor.”

“I suppose it depends upon the situation. The next time I get stabbed or shot, I’ll be most glad to allow her to tend my wounds.”

“You don’t even know her.”

“She’s the colonel’s niece. That’s all I need to know.”

Raised in the southern mid-section of U.S., Liza escaped to the East Coast once out of college. She’s worked as a journalist, a radio DJ, a security guard, a stock broker, a strategist, and a business solutions consultant to name a few of her many occupations.

She learned to fly planes, jump out of planes, hang-glide, kayak and scuba dive, to name of few of her ‘let’s kill Liza’ sports. However, her favorite activity is to hike with her dog Jess among the shaved mountains of NJ.

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Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...