Monday, September 30, 2019

Courting Darkness The Magicsmith Book 2 by L.R. Braden

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I guess I didn’t really take myself seriously until I finished the first draft of my first book. Then, like so many writers just starting out, I assumed I’d written a terrific story and sent it off straight away to my favorite publisher assuming they would also love my book and want to print a million copies of it right away. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Then came a long period of revision and self-doubt. Every time I got a rejection letter, I rewrote the book. I can’t even count how many different versions there have been. Still, somewhere in that mess of rejections and re-writes, I began to identify as a writer. When people asked me what I did, my answer morphed from “I work in a library. Oh, and I write books.” To “I’m an author, and I work in a library.”

Do you have a favorite movie?
My “favorite” anything changes constantly, but I really like the first Lego Movie. I think it’s a great message delivered in such a unique way. Plus, I love Legos, so I was totally geeking out over the awesome constructions throughout the whole thing.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?
Actually, the novel I think would make the best movie hasn’t been published yet. It’s a young adult science-fiction adventure set on Mars called The Price of Tomorrow. It has car chases, space travel, espionage, criminal organizations, street gangs, first love, bio-engineered disguises, and more. I’m hoping to find representation for it soon, but YA sci-fi is kind of a hard sell right now.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
When I was in my last year of college I had a roommate who loved to draw furries. For those who don’t know, a furry is an anthropomorphized animal character, an animal with human characteristics. Anyway, this roommate loved to create furries to represent all of her friends. One day, she presented me with a beautiful sketch of a fox-woman and explained why she thought a fox matched my personality. Foxes are shy, clever, agile, curious, resourceful, etc. Now, I’d never considered what animal might best represent me before that, but I fell in love with my fox picture that day. So, without a doubt, my avatar is a fox. :)
By the way, you can see some of Rea’s furries on deviant art at:
Courting Darkness
The Magicsmith Book 2
by L.R. Braden

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance 

A great story of murder, mystery . . . and well-developed characters.”—Margie Hager, Netgalley Reviewer on A Drop of Magic

A Drop of Magic is a damned fun and original read, with sass, action, hot men, and a whole lot of magic.” —Diana Pharaoh Francis, author of the Diamond City Magic, Magicfall, and Horngate Witches series

Deeper into the shadows. . .

The paranatural community isn’t done with Alex. She’s been summoned to the fae court, and she's got her hands full trying to prepare. But her date with the fae will have to wait. There’s been a death at the gallery, and the man she hoped would be a part of her future is the prime suspect.

Bitter enemies pull her into the middle of a paranatural war for territory that has her dodging police, swords, teeth, and claws—not to mention the truth. The deeper she digs, the more secrets she uncovers, and the less certain she is about the innocence of the one man she wanted to trust.

She thought she was done with murder and monsters, but she’ll have to enter the belly of the beast if she hopes to save her friend.

A Drop of Magic

The Magicsmith Book 1

The war isn’t over . . .
With the world clinging to a fragile peace forced on the Fae by humanity after the Faerie Wars, metalsmith Alex Blackwood is plunged into the world of the half-fae who traffick in illegal magical artifacts. Her best friend’s murder and his cryptic last message place her in the crosshairs of a scheme to reignite the decade-old war between humans and fae.
Worse, violent attacks against her and the arrival of a fae knight on a mission force Alex to face a devastating revelation of who and what she is. To catch a killer, retrieve a dangerous artifact, and stop a war, Alex will have to accept that she’s an unregistered fae “halfer” with a unique magical talent—a talent that would change everything she believes about her past, her art, and her future.
Her world is crumbling around her, and Alex will have to decide who to trust if she and the world are going to survive.
A Drop of Magic is a damned fun and original read, with sass, action, hot men, and a whole lot of magic.” —Diana Pharaoh Francis, author of the Diamond City Magic, Magicfall, and Horngate Witches series
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Born and raised in Colorado, L. R. BRADEN makes her home in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with her wonderful husband, precocious daughter, and psychotic cat. With degrees in both English literature and metalsmithing, she splits her time between writing and art.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Legend Series Box Set Books 1-9 by McKayla Schutt Genre: Paranormal Romance

The Legend Series Box Set
Books 1-9
by McKayla Schutt
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

A witch and a wolf imprint, what could possibly go wrong??

Celina is faced with the one choice she never wanted to make between her mate and her child how would she choose?

Red Eclipse
Alia’s ready to vanish until a werewolf claiming to be her mate emerges and changes everything…

Blood Moon
Maria knows nothing of the magical blood flowing through her veins… when she imprints with the alpha, everything starts changing.

Summer Solstice
New beginnings aren’t supposed to start with werewolf imprint…now Carmen must choose, her wolf mate or her old way of life and time isn’t on her side.

Angie’s New Moon
Angie desires a life with a mate so she pushes down her fear and travels… but things she feared are coming true and she can’t stop what’s coming.

Solar Eclipse
No one believes Walter when he says, danger is coming, sticky spells and imprinting with Amethyst could prove him right or destroy the wolfpack coven.

Hunter’s Moon
Finding her mate should be the easiest part of Luna’s witchy life but he’s been raised to hate witches, will he abandon her like her parents or stay with her till death?

Tragedy and lies have been Jina’s whole existence but now she needs her second chance with her werewolf mate, she’ll find it or die trying.

Final Eclipse
Love is the last thing on Samara’s mind, as a hunter of supernatural beings she needs to stay focused, but Devin calls to her in a deep level that puts both of their lives on the line.

Fall in love with the Legend Series wolves and witches today.

Grab all 9 books for under $1 a book!

McKayla loves to write books about sexy werewolves.Now a USA Today Bestselling Author!She's a stay at home mom of two in the state of Wyoming. Born in California, she misses the hot weather all of the time. Her goal- to write as many sexy books as possible. However, being a mom of two little ones can take time but she is pushing to finish her work to get more books out for her lovely fans.Ever since she was little she wanted to be a writer but doubters said that it would be impossible to make money at it. She is pushing herself hard to show them they are wrong.She would like to remind everyone to review what you read, it's important!

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Forgotten Sons Series by Gina Conkle

Try this game: Who would you be in history? By Gina Conkle

If you went back in time, which Viking woman would you be?
*Read about these four real Viking women. Then, pick one that closely matches your personality.
*In the comments, tell me which trait(s) stood out to you, and then at the bottom of the post, you’ll find a short bio about the real Viking women.

The Quiz…
A)      You’re a quiet, deep thinker. There’s a quality of stillness about you that draws people in. Because of these characteristics, you fall into a leadership role whether it’s something you want or not. You’re generous and fair…as long as people abide by your rules. If they don’t, watch out!
B)      You’re a tad headstrong but smart. When the odds are against you, you regroup and try a different approach. Some might say you’re wily as a fox. Using feminine wiles and your brain is fair game in your opinion. And menial labor? Not top on your list of things to do.
C)      You’re gentle, stubborn, and curious. The world is your oyster, and you want to explore it. You get your hands dirty and work hard right alongside men. You’re not concerned about equality because you live as you please; men better respect you (and they do!).
D)      You’re fierce – physically and mentally. You’re not afraid to defend what’s yours.  Family and friends mean the world to you and anyone bringing trouble to your door better watch out. Though it may exhaust you, you work as hard outside the home as inside.
***No peeking! Scroll down to the comments and tell me who you match and why. Then, scroll back up and read about the historical Viking women.

Are you ready to read about the real Viking women and see whose personality aligns with yours?

Meet the Viking women…
A)      Audr the Deep-Minded of Iceland (also Aud). The daughter of a Norwegian chieftain, Audr one of the first Viking women to settle Iceland. After becoming a widow, she commissioned a ship built for her to go to Iceland. Twenty men followed her there. Once on the new island nation, leaders divided Iceland into 4 sections. They asked Audr to lead one. She did, granting freedom to all thralls (slaves) who lived in her section. Audr gave them land too with one requirement – follow her rules.
B)      Melkorka, a highborn daughter of Eyre, stolen in a raid. She feigned muteness for several years. The highborn woman became a thrall (slave) who disdained chores and made life difficult for the Viking mistress she served. One day the jig was up on her muteness. Her Viking master wisely decided to keep the peace in his home and give Melkorka a home of her own in another meadow! There’s a place in Iceland named after the crafty former slave.
C)      Gudrid of Iceland. Her story is in the Sagas but it took historians a long time to believe she was real! Gudrid journeyed with Leif Erikson to “Vinland” (North America) and lived there for a few years. But, she packed up and went back to Iceland. Still restless, the Viking woman traveled to Rome and hung out for a year. Then, she went home to Iceland. She wasn’t concerned about making a name for herself: this was Gudrid’s gentle curiosity at work -- amazing but true travels. It took historians (read that as male historians) centuries to believe she was real – all confirmed when they found her longhouse about 20 years ago in Iceland (silly men!).
D)      Freydis (half-sister to Leif). Leif was a brave one, but she’s just as fierce and strong. She too went to the wilds of Vinland as an adventurer. Isolation and wilderness didn’t phase her. Neither did the vicious locals. When they attacked, the Viking men ran but Freydis picked up a fallen sword, weilding it with one breast bared! The attackers ran away (likely in shock because she was also pregnant). Some say the Vinland settlement failed due to a lack of women. (They needed more Freydis’s and Gudrid’s!). One thing is certain, wherever home is Freydis is sure to bravely protect it.

It was a pleasure sharing this slice of Viking history with you. I hope you read Kept by the Viking (Forgotten Sons, bk 1) and Her Viking Warrior (Forgotten Sons, bk 2). You’ll find Viking romance with a twist.
Happy reading!
Gina Conkle

Kept by the Viking
Forgotten Sons Book 1
by Gina Conkle
Genre: Historical Viking Romance

Loyalty to the Brotherhood comes before all. Including women.

Formidable Viking leader Rurik knows the law. His loyalty to the Forgotten Sons is his bond, and no woman will threaten what he’s built from the ground up. But the Sons are a roving band of Vikings, and Rurik is growing restless—so when Normandy’s chieftain offers land, the proposal intrigues him. And the sultry Parisian thrall he finds in his tent intrigues him even more…

Safira is cunning and clever and full of secrets. Rurik’s men have no interest in securing her safe passage home, but, piqued with lust, Rurik views Safira’s wiles as a captivating challenge—one he’s determined to conquer, even if lying with her is as defiant as it is inevitable.

Traveling with Safira has been a fantasy come true—what started as lust is quickly turning to the kind of partnership Rurik could never have dreamed. But their arrival in foreign lands marks a new chapter, one that demands a Viking wife. With impossible decisions to be made, Rurik’s alliances are fraying, and past promises may not be enough to save him from having to betray those he’s sworn loyalty to—including Safira.

This book is approximately 83,000 words

One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!

Her Viking Warrior
Forgotten Sons Book 2

When an outcast goes home and meets a woman seeking justice, hearts will clash…

Eighteen years ago, Bjorn was exiled from Vellefold. Honor-bound to return, he’ll fight for the settlement…then walk away. First, he must work with his childhood friend, now a beautiful, high-ranking Viking lady.

Fierce of spirit, Ilsa will do anything to save her people, including convincing the banished son to take the jarl’s seat. But she has her doubts about the stone-hearted Viking, despite the lust between them. It’s only a matter of time before Bjorn discovers that Ilsa is hiding dangerous secrets, secrets that may jeopardize all they’ve worked for.

When the darkest hour comes, the once-rejected warrior must choose: rescue his men, the Forgotten Sons—or Ilsa, the woman he craves, body and soul.

One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!

Gina's fate was sealed when her mom read 'The Highwayman' for a bedtime story. She was five years old at the time, but from then on, Gina was doomed to love history and romance.

Some days she pens sparkling Georgian romance. Other days, she writes evocative Viking romance full of heat and adventure. Gina spent most of her life in southern California but now lives in Michigan with her husband where snow days are perfect for reading and writing. Her books have won awards and garnered critical acclaim. Poke around her website and you'll run across those accolades.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Most Ardently An Austen-Inspired Christmas Collection Genre: Historical Romance

With Stories by:

Sheena Austin,
Margo Bond Collins,
Debra-Ann Kummoung,
Sophie Bellabone,
Deborah E Pearson,
Charlene Johnson,
Susan Burdorf,
Claire O'Dare,
Ivy Hearne

This is quite the season indeed for friendly meetings. At Christmas every body invites their friends about them, and people think little of even the worst weather. I was snowed up at a friend’s house once for a week. Nothing could be pleasanter.” ~Emma

Join New York Times, USA Today, and International bestselling authors as they share stories inspired by Jane Austen to fill your Yuletide with love and joy.

From a Regency holiday in Austen’s own home to modern stories with a supernatural twist, Most Ardently brings you the best of Austen-inspired holiday fiction, including a haunted modern-day Northanger academy dorm, a vampiric surprise at a holiday ball, a contemporary dating-app-savvy Emma with a brand-new Knightley, a surprise cast of zombies, and a demon set loose in Jane Austen’s world. Mincemeat pies, Christmas puddings, Boxing Day and Twelfth Night will never be the same again!

So light a Yule log, hang a kissing bough of evergreen and mistletoe, and settle in for a long winter’s read as you reconnect with your favorite Austen characters and settings in all-new new stories.

Scroll up and one-click to preorder this holiday collection now for the special preorder price of only 99c!

On one side was a table occupied by some chattering girls, cutting up silk and gold paper; and on the other were trestles and trays, bending under the weight of brawn and cold pies, where riotous boys were holding high revel; the whole completed by a roaring Christmas fire, which seemed determined to be heard in spite of the noise of the others.” ~Persuasion

**Pre-order for only .99cents!!**

Sheena Austin is the author of Returning to Mr. Darcy, Alexandria, Journey of the Heart, and Disillusionments of the Heart. A lover of all romance, fantasy, cat whisperer, and Kermit obsessed, the author currently lives in Virginia with her boyfriend and two cats. She is a Special Education teacher and aspires to win the lottery one day and to have a lifetime of pizza and cheez-its so she would no longer have to cook or do the dishes ever again.

USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times bestselling author Margo Bond Collins is a former college English professor who, tired of explaining the difference between "hanged" and "hung," turned to writing romance novels instead. (Sometimes her heroines kill monsters, too.)
She also writes under the alter ego of Ivy Hearne.

Debra-Ann Kummoung

I fell in love with Pride & Prejudice when I read it in high school. Something about that time - the courtly manners of society, the clothing, and so many other things. Don't get me a wrong, I'm a modern girl and wouldn't last a day without my modern conveniences, but I can still fantasize about that time period.

My husband is my inspiration for Mr. Darcy & Colonel Fitzwilliam (when the good colonel appears in one of my books). My husband has the manners of Darcy but has been a military man like the colonel - so I got both in one man.

Sophie, whether with Kernstock or Bellabone pen name, is from the land of thousands of lakes, home of Santa Claus, and technology giant Nokia, also known as Finland. At age 24 she was bitten by the publishing bug in her native tongue. The bug bit so fiercly that she made her mission to publish all her future stories to wider audience just year after. That she did, and now at 25 her first book written in English is in preorder.

Born and rased with finnish sisu, and beaten in shape with sauna birch leaf brooms, Sophie writes Fantasy and Horror. No genre will be safe from her vigilant and witty writing style though. She will be providing all kinds of stories from short and sweet to long and gritty. None with romantic sub plot though. She focuses on platonic friendships, epic battles beyond tonsil fencing, and the endless ideas leading to world beyond imagination.
In short, her muse is obiviously in drugs and needs intervention.
Soon she'll also add Sci-Fi/Dystopian into her fresh list of books and invites in new pen name to the Sophiesphere circle of things.

Deborah E. Pearson found her love of Jane Austen's work when she was 15 by watching the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Andrew Davies, Over the following years she not only read Miss Austen's books multiple times but also read several fan fiction books, which led her to begin writing her own Jane Austen Fan Fiction in 2010 as she wished to have a Darcy that fitted the way she saw him.

Charlene Johnson is a Waynesburg, Pennsylvania native. She went to Waynesburg High School and graduated Cum Laude from Waynesburg College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. Currently lives in Sacramento, California where she spent the last 33 years working at Northrop Grumman.

Books have always been her passion. She started reading at an early age and progressed to full-length books by age nine. The first supernatural book series she read was Dark Shadows, and it sparked her interest in all things paranormal, with a spicy touch of romance mixed in for good measure. She also started writing poetry in grade school and continues to do so today. 
Being an avid reader, the consummate daydreamer and an incurable romantic with a Cinderella complex, she started creating her own characters and story lines because she realized she had her own stories to tell.
She is married to John, who believes she can do anything. She has a son, Ty; a daughter, Danika; and four beautiful grandchildren, Aries, Victoria, Maya, and Tobias.
Besides reading and writing, she also enjoys photography, travel, music, and great movies.

Susan Burdorf is an avid reader, photographer and lover of all things sparkly. Writing is a passion that is only quenched when THE END is written on the last page of a manuscript. Nothing says home to her, though, like the presence of her family. Susan encourages you to correspond with her and is available for public appearances at schools and conferences.

A librarian and researcher by day, Claire O’Dare writes Regency and contemporary romances at night.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and two giveaways!

Giveaway #1 
Kindle tablet ( 1 winner), Signed book (1 winner) , $20 Amazon (4 winners)

Giveaway #2

Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...