Monday, February 28, 2022

The Unicorn In You: A Path to Peace and Joy by Joshua Kramer Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help, Personal Growth & Control


The Unicorn In You: A Path to Peace and Joy

by Joshua Kramer

Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help, Personal Growth & Control

To be light, you first have to be solid…

Have you ever tried to find peace and joy by simply being? Or do you take a different path, instead of wandering down the frustrating road of always doing?

Our pursuit of meaningful personal growth can be elusive and difficult to sustain. We search for an approach that feels natural and organic, but our success is often short-lived. What if we had a foundation of values that removed this weight of expectation and emphasized a strong basis for a living?

In The Unicorn in You, Joshua Kramer identifies a sensible path to peace and joy based on the fundamental principles of kindness, gratitude, integrity, humility, and acceptance. He outlines practical, actionable steps for reconnecting with these universal qualities and demonstrates how our potential extends beyond what most of us envision in our daily lives. The Unicorn in You is an inspirational guide and powerful reminder to step out of your head, build a foundation for being, and take the path less traveled to unlock a more peaceful, joyful life.

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  • Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?


My professional journey has been very similar to my personal journey – somewhat of a winding road in which I’ve learned a lot and been very fortunate. I first became interested in self-help while studying in Washington, DC, and then for a short time in London.

My interest started from a place of need and self-preservation, as a result of some difficult periods in which I experienced bouts of sadness and depression. I felt a sense of hope in learning about different tools to help deal with the anxieties and worries I was struggling to overcome. We’re all the product of our experiences, though I’m not sure that I could have written The Unicorn in You as effectively at any other time in my life.

More recently, I became motivated to write The Unicorn in You around the onset of the pandemic. I had been close to experiencing a significant breakthrough in my wellness, and when the world was upended, I felt a keen sense of personal responsibility to make the most of that time and reflect on how to appreciate all that life had to offer.

For me, this meant digging deep and understanding what truly mattered most, and distilling those findings into practical wisdom for living and finding peace and joy.  I felt I had something important and unique to say and the way I crafted this book is in the spirit of warm, calming guide.


  • What can we expect from you in the future?


I like to say that if my book helps just one person, it will have been a worthwhile project.  To be sure, it has helped me personally, which makes it so much more of a personal perspective.


The feedback I have received thus far has been very humbling, as the ideas I share seem to have resonance regardless of where the reader is on their personal journey.  It’s because of this response that I am inspired to speak further on my viewpoint in an effort to reach more people who are seeking a sensible, practical path to peace and joy.


While I always believed that the principles I outline are universal in their application, I have been pleasantly surprised to receive interest from the business community to speak to employees about how they can be useful in a work environment.  As someone who has been in business for nearly twenty-five years, I always felt that the message in The Unicorn in You transcended any distinction between the personal and professional.  I hope that readers find a timeless quality, through the stories, fables, and quotes. To that end, I’m enjoying speaking through various media outlets. 


  • Anything specific you want to tell your readers?


The Unicorn in You is unique because, unlike many self-help books, it doesn’t tell you what to do. This approach is more of an ‘unself-help’ book, and there is very little process to it. Instead, it’s a set of principles that are universal, but can be understood and applied differently to each individual so that they have a distinct impact.

The subtitle, “A Path to Peace and Joy,” is also intentional. By saying it’s a path, rather than the path, the reader recognizes there are a multitude of ways to get there. Ideally, people coming to this space will feel led rather than pushed, and I think the content will resonate much more effectively.

I also feel strongly that this type of book creates sense of community, and it’s with that idea in mind that I look forward to connecting with readers to hear their feedback and listen to their ideas as well. 

Joshua Kramer is the creator of The Unicorn in You, a personal growth and development perspective that emphasizes five key principles as the foundation for peace and joy.

As a lifelong student of numerous self-help practices, he arrived at his simplified approach after struggling to identify a method that was less mechanical and unnatural, and more instinctual and organic.

He is the Managing Partner of Kramer Chandler, a real estate business founded in 1922, and an active member of YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization). When not pursuing his passion for travel, he can be found more locally around town walking his beloved Havanese, Buddy.

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Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Year of Firsts Second Chances Book 1 by Liz Flaherty Genre: Contemporary Romance


A Year of Firsts

Second Chances Book 1

by Liz Flaherty

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Widow Syd Cavanaugh is beginning a “year of firsts” with the road trip she’d promised her husband she’d take after his death. An unplanned detour lands her in Fallen Soldier, Pennsylvania, where she meets the interesting and intelligent editor of the local paper.

Television journalist Clay McAlister’s life took an unexpected turn when a heart attack forced him to give up his hectic lifestyle. He’s still learning how to live in a small town when meeting a pretty traveler in the local coffee shop suddenly makes it all much more interesting.

While neither of them is interested in a romantic relationship, their serious case of being “in like” seems to push them that way. However, Clay’s heart condition doesn’t harbinger a very secure future, and Syd’s already lost one man she loved to a devastating illness—she isn’t about to lose another. Where can this relationship possibly go?

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Liz Flaherty spends non-writing time sewing, quilting, and thinking she should clear a path through the fabric stash that furnishes her office. She also loves to travel and spend time with the grandkids (the Magnificent Seven) and their parents. She and Duane, her husband of a really long time, live in the old farmhouse in Indiana they moved to in 1977. They've talked about moving, but really, 40 years of stuff? It's not happening!

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter Lizzie Borden Horror Book 1 by C.A. Verstraete Genre: Horror


Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter

Lizzie Borden Horror Book 1

by C.A. Verstraete

Genre: Horror

Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter - Now Available in Audio!

Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her father 40 whacks, but why?

Even if it wasn’t actually 40 hits, did she have a reason to do it? What if her father had turned into…. a zombie?!

Every family has its secrets.

One hot August morning in 1892, Lizzie Borden picked up an axe and murdered her father and stepmother. Newspapers claim she did it for the oldest of reasons: family conflicts, jealousy, and greed. But what if her parents were already dead? What if Lizzie slaughtered them because they’d become...zombies? 

Thrust into a horrific world where the walking dead are part of a shocking conspiracy to infect not only Fall River, Massachusetts, but also the world beyond, Lizzie battles to protect her sister, Emma, and her hometown from nightmarish ghouls and the evil forces controlling them.

**In celebration of the audiobook's release, get the ebook on sale for only $1.99 now! **

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Christine (C.A.) Verstraete enjoys putting a little "scare" in her writing. She follows the murder trial and offers a twist on the infamous 1892 Borden murders in her book, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter. She also looks at the murders from the viewpoint of Lizzie's doctor in her latest, The Haunting of Dr. Bowen. Other books include a young adult novel, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie, and books on dollhouse collecting and crafting, plus a children's mystery and book series.

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Friday, February 25, 2022

Caroline by Adrian Spratt Genre: Historical Thriller, Literary Fiction



by Adrian Spratt

Genre: Historical Thriller, Literary Fiction

In 1980s New York City, young lawyer Nick Coleman meets free spirit Caroline Sedlak in an evening fiction writing course. A vivacious fixture at a Greenwich Village bar, she remains mysterious about her life until their teacher reads her story submission to the class, and Nick realizes that a darker past lurks beneath her happy-go-lucky exterior. This doesn’t trouble Nick, who struggles with demons of his own: as a blind lawyer launching his career prior to the Americans with Disabilities Act, he struggles to prove himself at a law office that handles appeals for indigent convicted felons.
Nick’s practical, goal-driven approach to life balances Caroline’s quixotic nature, and their friendship soon deepens into something more. For some time, they’re happy together. But as the two become closer, Nick’s reluctance to commit collides head-on with Caroline’s need to be loved and belong. Soon, they realize that Caroline hasn’t left her past far behind after all … and the behavior that Nick once found charming first frustrates, then terrifies him. As the two spiral toward an inevitable clash, Nick must choose between the life he thought he wanted, and the woman he can’t bring himself to admit he loves.

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Adrian Spratt practiced law for twenty years, mainly in consumer protection, before returning to his first love, fiction writing. He graduated from Amherst College and earned his law degree from Harvard. Retinal detachment led to his loss of vision when he was thirteen. Today, he lives in Brooklyn with his wife, the artist and photographer Laura Rosen. His website, where he maintains a blog and showcases selected stories, essays and memoir excerpts, is

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Forever Yours: A novel in 3 parts by Alisha Kay, Shilpa Suraj & Andaleeb Wajid


A fake engagement has gotten disturbingly real…

When a pretend engagement ends in a very real combined bachelor/bachelorette weekend in Goa, three couples find their lives going from chaotic to disastrous…

Hatefully Yours by Alisha Kay is the quintessential enemies-to-lovers story with a very interesting twist.
Aditi and Manan hate each other but love their mutual best friend, Karthik. Planning his bachelor party is a trip to hell sprinkled with accidental kisses that taste of heaven. Past misunderstandings, present attraction, and a future built on hope all tangles together to make this weekend one to remember.

Sinfully Yours by Shilpa Suraj is the story of a one-night stand turning into nights that they hope never end.
Sidharth is Bollywood’s biggest hit-turned-overnight-flop. His best friend Sanjana’s bachelorette in Goa is the perfect place for him to hide out and drink his sorrows away. Until he passes out in the arms of the extremely hot pixie who moonlights as a bartender in a shack in Goa. And Dani is left with an armful of drunk movie star who is as messed up as he is hot.

Deceitfully Yours by Andaleeb Wajid is the story of what happens when a fake relationship starts to feel very, very real.
Sanjana and Karthik just wanted their parents to stop talking marriage to them. So, they faked an engagement and now their parents are not talking marriage but planning a wedding instead. When their friends throw them a combined bachelor and bachelorette party, they use the opportunity to plan their breakup. Except behind all well-laid plans lies the path to disaster.
Three love stories, three oddball couples, one epic weekend in Goa…
Will they find their heart’s twisted path or focus on the brain’s straight-but-boring one? Will they gamble on their happily-ever-after or choose to leave Goa as they came, single and not ready to mingle?

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Short Excerpt from Hatefully Yours by Alisha Kay

No! God, no! Not her! Anyone but her.
What the hell was Aditi Kedia doing here?
The minute he asked himself that, Manan could have kicked himself. Of course, she’d be here. She was Karthik’s friend, just as he was, and while Karthik was the smartest guy he knew, he was completely oblivious to the cold vibes between his two best friends. Or maybe he didn’t care. He wouldn’t see anything wrong in inviting both his friends together.
Something else struck him, and the biryani that he’d had for lunch threatened to make a second appearance.
His mother hadn’t told him anything about the girl that Karthik was supposed to marry. Just said that she was a friend of his. Was it Aditi?
Every cell in his body revolted at the idea of Karthik marrying Aditi. He told himself that it was because he didn’t want his friend to be ensnared by the evil little she-devil. It had nothing to do with the way his heart sped up at the very sight of her. Or the very inexplicable impulse that came over him occasionally to kiss her senseless.
Not that he ever gave in to such an impulse. He hated Aditi with all his heart. That’s all there was to it.

Alisha Kay writes funny, exciting and steamy stories, with spunky heroines who can rescue themselves, and hot, woke heroes who find such independence irresistible.
The first book in The Devgarh Royals series, The Maharaja’s Fake Fiancée, won the grand prize at the Amazon KDP Pen to Publish Contest 2020.

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Short Excerpt from Sinfully Yours by Shilpa Suraj

Sid froze, the glass near his lips. “You certainly have a way with words and polite conversation.”
“Really? You are critiquing me on etiquette, Beach Bum?” She responded to someone hailing her from the other end of the bar with a raised hand.
“Listen, I’ve got to go,” she told him. “Work and stuff. You have a good night, okay?”
“Dani, listen.” Sid grabbed her hand before she could rush off. “When do you finish?”
“I finish at two in the morning,” she smiled. “Not exactly an early night.”
“I’ll wait,” he smiled back, something frozen in his chest thawing at the sight of her warm, beaming face. “Could we get something to eat and maybe chat or something?”
“I don’t ‘or something’ with guys I’ve just met,” she grinned.
“I threw up on you. You threw a bucket of water on me. I think we’re past first or even third date pleasantries, don’t you agree?”
Dani threw her head back and laughed, the same loud, warm laugh he remembered. The thawing moved on to melting.
“Alright,” she said. “Stick around. We’ll grab dinner during my break and chat.” She pointed a finger at him. “No ‘or something’.”
Sid grinned. Suddenly, ‘or something’ was all he could think about.

Shilpa Suraj wears many hats - corporate drone, homemaker, mother to a fabulous toddler and author.

An avid reader with an overactive imagination, Shilpa has weaved stories in her head since she was a child. Her previous stints at Google, in an ad agency and as an entrepreneur provide colour to her present day stories, both fiction and non-fiction.

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Short Excerpt from Deceitfully Yours by Andaleeb Wajid

Karthik stared at Sanjana as she stood at the jetty and it almost felt like the rest of the world had faded to nothing. He could see only her, as she stood there, stark against the background of the greyish water. He was still reeling from what his mother had just said about him and Sanjana but he was also trying to look at it realistically. He had been a child then. But surely, there had to be something about her, something that had drawn them together that fateful day when he saw her seated in the garden on his favourite bench.
Fate. It had to be fate, he told himself.

Andaleeb Wajid is the author of 27 published novels and she writes across different genres such as romance, YA and horror. Her horror novel It Waits was shortlisted at Mami Word to Screen 2017 and her Young Adult series, The Tamanna Trilogy has been optioned for screen by a reputed production house. Andaleeb's novel When She Went Away was shortlisted for The Hindu Young World Prize in 2017. Andaleeb is a hybrid author who has self-published more than 10 novels in the past two years.

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Witch's Gamble The Witches of Vegas Book 3 by Mark Rosendorf Genre: YA Paranormal, Urban Fantasy


Witch's Gamble

The Witches of Vegas Book 3

by Mark Rosendorf

Genre: YA Paranormal, Urban Fantasy 

It's been nearly two hundred years since Isis, Zack, and The Witches of Vegas saved New Salem from the Wiccan vampire, Valeria. Now, Isis is a vampire and the most powerful witch in the world. Zack is also a vampire, and the president of New Salem. They thought the threat was long behind them. But Valeria escaped into the past where she set history on a horrific path.

Now, everything has changed around Isis. New Salem is destroyed, Valeria is queen of Earth, and no one has heard of Zack. To save reality, Isis must travel through time, reliving events from a history she barely recognizes, and find a way to set reality back on course. Not that she has any idea how to do that, or how to avoid the all-powerful Valeria in the process.

Isis will face challenges she can't possibly overcome, yet she must, or every single life from the past, present, and future is doomed.

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Journey To New Salem

The Witches of Vegas Book 2

The Witches of Vegas are back, and their lives will never be the same again.

A year has passed since The Witches of Vegas saved the city from the evil Wiccan vampire, Valeria. Since then, the show has hit an all-time high. So has the romance between teen witch Isis Rivera and teenage magician, Zack Galloway.

Things couldn't be any better for them until Isis develops seizures that cause her power to spiral out of control. Fires and earthquakes are just the beginning of the chaos caused by the misfired witchcraft. Unable to find a cure, Isis' family journeys to New Salem, a fabled village of witches which may or may not even exist. Meanwhile, Zack ends up face to face with the only being who may have a cure...Valeria. But does he dare pay her price?

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The Witches of Vegas

The Witches of Vegas Book 1

Where can Witches and their vampire mentor practice their powers without being discovered or persecuted?

By using their magic, the Witches of Vegas become the number one act performing on the Las Vegas Strip—a great achievement for them, but not so much for the magicians—who can't possibly keep pace.

Isis Rivera is the adopted fifteen-year old daughter of The Witches of Vegas. Zack Galloway is the teenage nephew and assistant to the last magician left in the city. Although they should be rivals, when Valeria, a four-hundred-year-old witch with a long-seeded grudge against humanity arrives in Sin-City, both teens act to bring their families together to stop the evil hag in her tracks.

But can the combined witches' powers and the ingenuity of the magicians be enough to stop Valeria from taking over the city and possibly the world?

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Mark Rosendorf 's writing is based on the personalities and experiences he has come across throughout his life, coupled with his own wild "if only I could do that" imagination. He is the author of the young adult series, The Witches of Vegas. He is also credited with The Rasner Effect series, a suspense/thriller trilogy published between 2009 and 2012.
Born November, 25th, 1974, and raised in Queens New York, Mark holds a Master's Degree from Long Island University's Human Development and Leadership program. He is a licensed Guidance Counselor for the New York City Department of Education's special education district. He began his counseling career in September, 2001. Prior to that, he worked in the hotel industry.
Mark has also moonlighted as a professional magician. Today, he teaches magic and Illusion to his students in order to teach teamwork while developing their confidence.
Having accomplished his goals of becoming an author, Mark decided on an early retirement from writing. Then, one night, at two a.m., a new and unique story shot into Mark's brain like a lightning bolt, screaming for him to write it. Mark found himself spending several nights taking notes on the characters and their stories. That is how The Witches of Vegas was born.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Gateway 1 The Gateway Trilogy Book 1 by Dariel Raye Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy


Gateway 1

The Gateway Trilogy Book 1

by Dariel Raye

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

Every predator has a weakness.

When an ancient being, the last of his kind, meets a fiery woman sought by evil, neither one of them is prepared for the consequences.

Gateway is a shape-shifting demon hunter who finds, protects, and prepares the Chosen - human females with the ability to redeem or destroy demons. For centuries, he has followed the rules…

Establish connection
Complete genetic imprint
No personal attachments…

Until he meets his newest charge – curvy, fiery, headstrong, and angry with the world. Following the rules while fending-off demons is going to take everything he has and then some.

*Please Note - "Gateway" contains explicit love scenes, profanity, and violence. Must be 18+ Part of this story was previously published in the "A Darker Shade of Evil" anthology under the title, "The Devil Upstairs."

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Dariel Raye is an animal lover, animal rights activist, musician, and USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of powerful paranormal romance and dark urban fantasy with IR/MC (Interracial/Multi-cultural) alpha male heroes to die for, and strong heroines with hearts worth winning. She fell in love with books and started reciting stories at the age of 3. A counseling psychologist, classically trained vocalist, and pianist, she plays over 11 musical instruments, and naturally incorporates behavioral psychology into her characters. Her stories tell of shifters, vamps, angels, demons, and fey (the Vodouin variety). She is also a mom, art tinkerer, and Netflix and Amazon Prime paranormal TV series binger.

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Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...