Thursday, August 31, 2023

Kakistocracy and the Technocrats by Natalie Triumphs Genre: SciFi, Suspense


A White House Researcher for a non-existent department that oversees a demented robotic President, finds herself in the middle of a string of murders, fires, earthquakes, embassy bombings, assassination attempts, bribes, wars, and an Administration that can best be described as a kakistocracy. 

Kakistocracy of the Technocrats

by Natalie Triumphs

Genre: SciFi, Suspense 

As White House Researcher for a non-existent department that oversees a demented robotic President, Karissa James finds herself in the middle of a string of murders, fires, earthquakes, embassy bombings, assassination attempts, bribes, wars, and an Administration that can best be described as a kakistocracy.

Will she survive to find out the truth about her father and those responsible for the killings?

Will she be able to protect her family and new-found friends?

Or will she meet the fate of those who are dropping dead all around her?

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House of Indigo is a multi-media publishing company focused on elevating the voices of spiritual leaders. Through card decks, books, and collaborative book projects, we offer a platform without censorship or dilution of our clients’ stories or messages. It is our mission to have a massive impact on the world through the elevation of consciousness while staying aligned in spiritual integrity. 

House of Indigo was started in 2020 as a way to amplify the positioning of exceptional professionals in the wellness, energetic, psychic, and coaching arenas. We have exceptionally high standards for our products and seek to continually raise the bar, creating a print that exceeds industry standards. 

Our focus is to provide you with an exceptional experience of creating and publishing your product suite. Package that intellectual property. Create that empire. Change the world and have massive impact while doing so. We are here to support your vision, help clarify it and bring it to life. 

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Panda Never Cries by Abdulaziz M.


Date Published: August 6, 2023


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Panda Never Cries is not just another self-help book; it's a transformative journey into the heart of life's most profound lessons, illustrated through the calm, resilient nature of the panda. The panda, with its patient demeanor and tranquil existence, becomes the symbol of our capacity to navigate life's challenges with grace and composure. This book harnesses this imagery, melding it with deeply rooted wisdom to create an insightful guide for personal growth.

Key Themes Explored:

-Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Just as a panda survives harsh conditions and sustains itself predominantly on bamboo, the book emphasizes our ability to adapt and thrive, regardless of life's hardships.

-Balance and Harmony: Drawing parallels between a panda's balanced lifestyle and our need for equilibrium, the book delves into striking a harmony between ambition and contentment, action and reflection, and dreams and realities.

-The Journey, Not Just the Destination: Pandas, with their unhurried pace and serene disposition, teach us the value of savoring the journey, not merely rushing toward the destination. The book underscores the importance of appreciating every moment, highlighting that fulfillment often lies in the journey, not just the endpoint.

-Embracing Change: Pandas, despite their dependence on bamboo, adapt when necessary, showing resilience in changing conditions. The book empowers readers to embrace change, and perceive it not as a threat but as an opportunity for growth and evolution.

About the Author

Abdulaziz M. transcends easy definitions. Starting his career as an engineer, he found his true passions extended beyond the confines of a single profession. His unwavering pursuit of self-discovery propelled him through various roles, from business development and marketing to sales and financial strategy. This professional odyssey led him on a global adventure, resulting in esteemed positions alongside royal family members and Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs).

In the entrepreneurial world, Abdulaziz has been part of numerous start-ups, tasting both the exhilarating success and the enlightening failures. His experiences have shaped his understanding of life and business, infusing him with insights that he's shared as a motivational speaker and entrepreneurship advocate in the United Arab Emirates. His association with mega-events in Dubai further showcases his ability to navigate high- pressure situations with grace and composure.

However, it's his passion for life and luxury that truly sets Abdulaziz apart. He believes in the power of living in the 'now', a philosophy that imbues his daily life with richness and exuberance. Life, according to Abdulaziz, is not about the length of time you live but the depth of experiences you amass.

This book, ‘Panda Never Cries’, is Abdulaziz's testament to his sons, his legacy to them. Written as a guide for navigating life's many twists and turns, he intends it to be a 'life manual' his sons can turn to in times of uncertainty. Drawing from his own experiences and the Panda Mindset, Abdulaziz hopes to instill in his readers the wisdom and courage to live life to the fullest, irrespective of the challenges they encounter.

As you read ‘Panda Never Cries’, you'll not only explore the insights Abdulaziz gained from his varied experiences but also witness the universal applicability of the Panda Mindset. Abdulaziz invites you to embrace the present, appreciate the luxury of life, and embark on your own journey of self-discovery.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Parallel Secrets by ML Barrs



Date Published: 9/25/23

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

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After a young girl goes missing, former TV crime reporter Vicky Robeson joins the search with the help of her attractive new love interest. They take his RV to a tiny town in rural Missouri that's filled with odd characters and darker secrets. But Vicky has secrets of her own. She believes this kidnapped girl may be linked to a case she reported on nine years ago, when a mystery child was found walking on levee, bloody and unable to speak. Back then, Vicky failed to follow up clues only she knew. Now, she has a chance to redeem herself. As she uncovers secrets, it becomes clear someone will kill to keep them hidden.


CHAPTER  2 – November 2008


Her eyes burned and the campfire smoke now smelled dangerous. She lifted her camp chair and moved away from the fire, away from the heat and light, closer to the RV to have something solid behind her. She read and reread the short article about the missing girl. Ten years old, disappeared from in front of her house while playing with a friend. No witnesses.

Fear and terrible images of a child taken, tortured, possibly killed—especially in Walkers Corner—swept away all thoughts except for what she needed to do next. She might not be able to undo the past, but this time she would do everything she could to help save the child.

It would definitely blow a hole in the camping trip, though, her first with the delectable Pete Harris in his eight-year-old RV. Damn. She liked the way he traveled, the way he thought, the way he looked, the way she felt with him. His jeans and plaid shirt hugged him nicely, and he moved smoothly while making sure everything was just so. And now, he wanted to get a place together. Too bad things were more complicated than that.

When he came over and kissed her, the fire reflected in his smiling eyes, color melting somewhere between chocolate and caramel.

Her return kiss was quick. “Sorry, something urgent’s come up. Would you mind driving me back to town?” Her voice felt tight and strained. “I need to go to Missouri for a few days.”

“What? Now?” He stepped back, looking concerned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, fine. I hate to disrupt our trip, but I need to look into something. A girl’s gone missing there, outside St. Louis.”

Pete tilted his head. A lock of light brown hair threaded with gray fell onto his forehead.

A bit more explanation might be called for. “There’s an Amber Alert. Her name’s Rose Willwood. I want to help find her. And I might write about it, and something else that happened there.”

Pete’s brow cleared. “Want me to go with you? I have free time. We can take the RV. If we start early and both drive we can make St. Louis by late tomorrow night.”

“Really?” Just like that, no more questions? What an amazing guy. “That’d be great. It’s about an hour or two this side of St. Louis.” Six months now, and he just gets better and better. Would he be like that if they lived together?

“No problem.” Pete started folding the tarp he used as a tablecloth. “I’d like to see more of Missouri.” He put the tarp and a lantern in one of his crates, already packing for an early departure. “How long do you think we’ll be there?”

About the Author

ML Barrs ran TV newsrooms for years, guiding and managing the content and production of more than eight hours of live newscasts a day.

In her debut novel, Parallel Secrets, protagonist Vicky Robeson shares that kind of experience as well as the author’s passion for justice, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of children and other vulnerable people.

ML Barrs grew up one of thirteen children—the first girl, with three older brothers—a birth order she believes shaped her essence by the time she was eight. A girl’s gotta be a bit pugnacious to get along in that environment. Amid the chaos of fourteen people living in a mobile home (not a double-wide), she turned fifteen, dropped out of school and ran away from home.

Being homeless, then working minimum wage jobs quickly grew old. She earned her GED and went to college, where she met and married the father of their two grown children. After a successful career as a television news director and general manager, she decided that what she really wanted to do is write mysteries. Parallel Secrets will be published September 2023, and its sequel is in the works.


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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Four Suitors by Sophie Jupillat Posey Genre: YA Medieval Fantasy



**Happy 4th Book Birthday!!**

Being courted by four suitors to claim the crown wasn't part of this princess's plan.

The Four Suitors

by Sophie Jupillat Posey

Genre: YA Medieval Fantasy

Quick-witted and confident, Princess Laetitia of Avaritia always gets what she wants—until her 17th nameday ball. The King and Queen, believing marriage will rein in their daughter’s rebellious nature, surprise the Princess with not one, but four suitors: a philosopher, an astronomer, an artist and a necromancer. If Laetitia can’t learn at least one suitor’s craft and prove herself to be a worthy wife, she will lose her crown—the one thing she cares about most.

Laetitia irks her suitors as much as she can while learning as little as possible about them—and their so-called “crafts.” But when she and Sir Blaxton resurrect one of the many peasants who have died recently from an unprecedented disease, the corpse’s cryptic words about his death set them on a race to find answers: What is the disease? How is it spreading so quickly? And why is it affecting only the peasants?

As Laetitia tries to find answers, she uncovers a web of corruption with a stranglehold on her kingdom. Like it or not, she’s going to need the help of all four of her suitors—even if they end up putting their own lives on the line.

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French-Venezuelan Sophie Jupillat Posey wrote a poem about spring in the 4th grade and started a mystery series a year later. She’s been hooked to creating stories ever since. She studied writing and music at Rollins College. She’s had numerous short stories and poetry published in literary magazines since 2014. She enjoys reading and writing anything from science fiction and fantasy, to paranormal and mystery novels. When she isn’t writing, she is composing music, creating albums, and teaching French to students in Central Florida. She can be reached on Twitter, Facebook, and her website.

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Monday, August 28, 2023

The IX The IX Series Book 1 by Andrew P. Weston Genre: SciFi Fantasy


Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.

The IX

The IX Series Book 1

by Andrew P. Weston

Genre: SciFi Fantasy 

Soldiers from varying eras and vastly different backgrounds, including the IX Legion of Rome, are snatched away from Earth at the moment of their passing, and transported to the far side of the galaxy. Thinking they have been granted a reprieve, their relief turns to horror when they discover they face a stark ultimatum:

Fight or die.

Against all odds, this group of misfits manages to turn the tide against a relentless foe, only to discover the true cost of victory might exact a price they are unwilling to pay.

How far would you be willing to go to stay alive?

The IX.

Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.

**The IX is Perseid Press' featured book for August and is on sale for Only $2.99 on Kindle!!**

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Andrew P. Weston is a Royal Marine and Police veteran from the UK who now lives on the beautiful Greek island of Kos with his wife, Annette, and their growing family of rescue cats.

An astronomy and law graduate, he is the creator of the international number one bestseller, The IX, and also has the privilege of being a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, as well as the British Science Fiction Association, and British Fantasy Society.

When not writing, Andrew devotes some of his spare time to assisting NASA with one of their remote research projects and writes educational articles for and Amazing Stories.

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The Yellow Baton by David Sebra Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 11/2/22


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Tragedy disrupts the idyllic life for the Kohanow family in 1939. Living on their small dairy farm in Poland the Jewish family immediately becomes embroiled in the tragic events of World War II. Sent to separate prisons, the family loses track of each other but the only child, Jozef, survives the holocaust. After the war he begins rebuilding his life in Poland and eventually immigrates to America.

In Wisconsin, Jozef marries and raises a fine family of his own. But the after effects of the war trail him there and have a significant impact on his grandson, Caleb. The young boy grows and develops a vengeful attitude toward those who mistreated his grandfather years earlier in Germany. After the death of Jozef, Caleb decides it is now up to him to satisfy the demands of justice.

This gripping story follows Caleb’s early life and brings the reader to the point where Caleb is ready to carry forth the rightful sentence. But conflicts enter Caleb’s mind and he must decide the proper step to take. The choice will certainly affect the young man for years to come.


About the Author

David Sebra grew up in Richmond, Virginia and has over 300 years of heritage in the Commonwealth. As a child he had an aversion to both reading and writing. That gradually changed when he went to college.

He earned a BS degree in engineering and spent many years in the defense and aerospace industry. David transformed into an accomplished technical writer during that career and then turned his focus to teaching. He is a former Brigham Young University, Idaho Online Instructor.

Now writing is his passion and he has published two works in 2022. There is certainly more to follow. David currently resides in Southern California with his wife of 50 years.

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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Fatal Decision The Freeman Files Book 1 by Ted Tayler Genre: Crime Fiction


The perfect blend of detective mystery and everyday life, that will delight fans of Sally Rigby, Faith Martin, Joy Ellis, Simon McCleave, and Pauline Rowson. 

Fatal Decision

The Freeman Files Book 1

by Ted Tayler

Genre: Crime Fiction

The perfect blend of detective mystery and everyday life, that will delight fans of Sally Rigby, Faith Martin, Joy Ellis, Simon McCleave, and Pauline Rowson. The first in a gripping series that will have you hooked.


Gus Freeman, a retired Detective Inspector, has spent the past three years alone. His wife, Tess, died from a brain aneurysm six months to the day after retirement. He is still coming to terms with his enforced solitary existence. His old boss wants Gus to head up a Crime Review Team investigating cold cases. Gus can't resist the chance to enter the fray for one last hurrah.

Wiltshire is a historic and ceremonial county in South West England, famous for its ham, white horses, and, above all, for its many prehistoric monuments (like Stonehenge and Avebury). It's been home to the author all his life, and despite what you might fear from the stories that follow in this series, Wiltshire is a safe and beautiful place to live.

CASE FILE #1 - June 2008

The team tackles the brutal murder of Daphne Tolliver. The sixty-eight-year-old widow was walking her dog, Bobby, in woodland close to her home when someone bludgeoned her to death with a rock.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Ted Tayler brilliantly weaves the details of the mysterious murder dropping breadcrumbs for readers to follow. We follow Freeman and his team as they interview witnesses, suspects, and friends of the victim. Along with his liberal use of British colloquialisms, he enriches the flavour of the tale. His prose brings the investigation to life. I think Gus Freeman will be as appealing as The Phoenix. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a solid mystery.” Elizabeth.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"The pacing is excellent, the characters believable and the cold case work excellent as well. I already know that I will be reading all of this series" Jenna.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Carefully crafted procedural with quirky characters, that not only entertains, but also lays the foundation for a series of cases to follow." Nana.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "A fabulous find! Ted Tayler is gifted in making sure the reader becomes an integral part of what he has written, become one with the book." Dora.

**On Sale – Get it FREE now!**

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Ted Tayler is the international best-selling indie author of the Freeman Files and Phoenix series. His next project is another series of challenging mysteries set in England in the 1930s. Brothers In Crime is scheduled to appear on Amazon from October 2023.

Sign up to his mailing list at to keep informed about future release dates, giveaways, and exclusives. In addition, readers can find him on BookBub, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Ted Tayler lives in the English West country, where his stories are based. Born in 1945, Ted’s been married to Lynne since 1971. They have three children and four grandchildren.

Since he published his first novel in 2013, Ted has sold over 50,000 books and surpassed 20 million page reads on Kindle Unlimited. His thought-provoking mysteries appeal to readers of Sally Rigby, Joy Ellis, Pauline Rowson, and Faith Martin. His action-packed thrillers are a must for fans of Mark Dawson, Jack Mars, and J C Ryan.

Gus Freeman’s cold case investigations are carried out with reasoned deduction rather than bursts of frantic action. In each of the 24 books, unsolved murder is accompanied by romance, humour, and country life. The core message in the 12 Phoenix novels is that criminals should pay for their crimes. Unfortunately, the current system fails to deliver the correct punishment, so Phoenix helps redress the balance.

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Haunted Inns and Hotels of Virginia by Susan Schwartz Genre: Paranormal, Ghost Stories, Travel



Haunted Inns and Hotels of Virginia

by Susan Schwartz

Genre: Paranormal, Ghost Stories, Travel 

Virginia's long history and many beauties attract millions of visitors each year--and some never leave.

With some of the oldest inns in the country, Virginia has a multitude of options for travelers to sleep among the spirits. The historic Cavalier Hotel is haunted by the ghost of Adolph Coors, the beer magnate. Market Square Tavern is one of the original buildings in Williamsburg and has some of the oldest haunts--including, possibly, Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Mary Hooker still watches over her beloved home at King George's Bell Grove Plantation. The family of the former owner of Natural Bridge Hotel is said to still walk the halls of historic building--after he killed them.

Plan a ghostly journey along Virginia's byways with author and paranormal expert Susan Schwartz.

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I have been an avid writer for around 25+ years doing everything from writing freelance articles to editing manuscripts for other authors. I also love to write horror stories that have a twist at the end. 

My alter ego is an Operating Room Nurse/Nurse Educator who loves creating tales from the interesting and weird things I have seen. I am a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Virginia Writers Club where I have served as President of the Richmond Chapter and 1st Vice-President of the state organization. I have two novels in the works, a paranormal romance and a medical thriller. My non-fiction book, Haunted Charlottesville, was released in May 2019. Another paranormal book, Haunted Inns and Hotels in Virginia, will be released August 2023.

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Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...