Saturday, January 2, 2016


Remote Viewing the 9/11 events – free book

remote viewing 9/11 - the paper sessions

In 2014 Courtney Brown from the Farsight Institute tasked two remote viewers; Daz Smith and Dick Allgire in a series of seven linked targets which dealt with  different components of the 9/11 attacks.

Over a period of weeks both remote viewers worked these targets under  BLIND/SOLO conditions. This book contains 200 pages of the paper and pen warm-up remote viewing sessions that Daz Smith created for this project  before he completed the remote viewing LIVE on camera on white board.

I have always wanted to get as much Remote Viewing as possible in front of people, so I will embark on a project to publish all the paper based Remote Viewing from all the Farsight Video projects. Please keep in mind that the paper based work is only a small percentage of the total work and constitutes only the warm-up work that led to LIVE video recorded sessions which delved into the RV data in more detail. These can be found in video on demand and DVD formats on the Farsight Institute .

Remote Viewing 9/11 the paper sessions is Available as a FREE download for 48hrs only

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