Friday, April 12, 2019

#atozchallenge K is for...

For this post I used & other sites listed throughout the post . Click on links.

A Kite is an aspect configuration that starts with a triangular aspect figure (usually a Grand Trine or Yod). 
A fourth planet makes an opposition to one of these planets, forming a symmetrical figure. 
The opposition forms the "spine" of the kite.

Image below is from

The fourth planet can act as a grounding principle, kind of like a lightning rod channels lightning energy into the ground. 

The opposition aspect often brings conflict, polarization, disagreement and stress, although it is also dynamic and motivating. It is a challenge to be triumphed; a problem to be solved; a disagreement to be negotiated.

Also sometimes called a Boomerang or Focused Yod aspect configuration. Similar to the Yod, except the fourth planet has the "last word" in the energy flow and receives an extraordinary amount of stress. 
Here is a fab link for information on ASPECTS 

#AtoZChallenge 2019 badge


  1. I'm more than a little sceptical about astrology but this was still an interesting read

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I understand being skeptical, I enjoy it , but it is not for everyone. Also it is far from a be all end all... I don't recommend living as if it is THE ANSWER ...

  2. Hmmm.... I'm not entirely sure I buy into this, but it's certainly interesting to think about.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. When birth charts are plotted with accurate times, it's pretty uncanny even to many skeptics. Thanks for dropping by.


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