Wednesday, April 17, 2019

#atozchallenge O is for ...

Orb when determining whether one planet forms an aspect to another, astrologers allow an “orb” of influence. This is a specific number of degrees. 
Aspects between planets gradually form, become exact and separate. When an aspect is exact, it has its greatest impact. yet, the effect of most aspects can be felt for some time before and after the moment when it is exact. 
The range within which an aspect is in operation is called its ‘orb of influence’, or simply its orb. an orb of one or two degrees of arc on either side of the exact aspect is considered a close or tight orb, while an orb of 10 degrees is loose.

Most aspects are created when the circle is divided into parts divisible by whole numbers.
no division = 0° (degrees) [orb 8-10°] called a conjunction
360° by 2 = 180° [orb 8-10°] called an opposition
360° by 3 = 120° [orb 8-10°] called a trine
360° by 4 = 90° [orb 8-10°] called a square
360° by 5 = 72° [orb 1-2°] called a quintile
360° by 6 = 60° [orb 5-6°] called a sextile
360° by 7 = 51°26’ [orb 1-2°] called a septile
360° by 8 = 45° [orb 2°] called a semi-square
360° by 9 = 40° [orb 1-2°] called a novile or nonile
360° by 10 = 36° [orb 1°] called a decile
360° by 12 = 30° [orb 1-2°] called a semisextile

#AtoZChallenge 2019 badge

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