Wednesday, June 12, 2019

An interview with Stanley C Straub author of Science Fiction novel, The Trail in the Woods

  • Welcome Stanley Straub , tell us about your favorite work...what makes it special?

I'm retired but my favorite work is writing.  I love writing and especially suspense thrillers.  Writing is special because I can completely immerse myself in my work.  It is something I can do full-time, part-time, or step away from and take a break.   My genre preference is Science Fiction.  I've always been interested in science for as far back as I can remember.  My father was very smart and he and I talked about space and theories about the universe almost daily as I was growing up.  I liked reading Science Fiction books ever since I was old enough to read.  I would go into book stores when I was little with my mother and I would buy Science Fiction books. 

  • What do you think makes for good Sci-Fi?

Good Sci-Fi has speculative future living conditions and mentions items or things that   will be used for everyday living in the future.  It also has a good story-line and character descriptions. I believe that good Sci-Fi should have a creative believable futuristic story.

  • Do you think your books can help shape the future and if so how?

I don't personally think that my books can help shape the future.  I believe that my books can keep people entertained in the future.  Some aspects of my books may foretell the future, but I don't believe that they shape it.

  • Do you have inside jokes or true events hidden in your writing?

I do try to inject some subtle humor into my stories and sometimes an inside joke will creep in.  I like to have talking or smiling dogs.  However, I don't purposely try to hide true events in my stories.

  • Which do you prefer...model your characters after people you know or just make them up?

I prefer to make up my characters.  That way I can give them characteristics that are different from living characters.  I don't think of a living person and then create that person in my stories.  However, with that said, I did characterize myself in one of my books, but I won't say which character or which book.

  • Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to take away?

"Not really.  Some writers might do that, but I have no hidden messages.  I write only for reader's entertainment and not to push a particular personal agenda.

  • What is your favorite review?

I would have to say I have three  favorite reviews.  The first one  I received  many years ago and it was from a book publisher, which said my story was too detailed and went off in too many different directions.  It was a negative review and it helped shape the way I         write.  A second review that I liked was from  a reviewer that said, she started reviewing my book with little expectations of liking it and then she wrote in big bold words, "BOY WAS I WRONG."  Another review that I really liked that had special meaning to me was the one I received from  Mark Schultz that wrote a great honest  review.

  • What comes next?

My next book, The Terminus List, a Science Fiction thriller comes next and I'm            urrently working on it.  I expect to have it finished, edited, and published in the next few months.

  • Thank you for visiting ⒾⓃⓉⓇⓄⓈⓅⒺⒸⓉⒾⓋⒺ ⓅⓇⒺⓈⓈ Stanley Straub .  Where can we learn more?

You can learn more about me and my writing by visiting me everywhere online.

The Trail in the Woods
by Stanley C Straub
Genre: Science Fiction

Something or someone has encapsulated an entire valley on Earth.

The story begins at an abandoned overgrown trail with the scary name of 'The Devils Tail'. The trail lies a few miles southeast of Portland Oregon. The trail has been around for several years and has many frightening rumors associated with it about why people disappeared while hiking the trail. Two childhood friends get together and chat about the trail. One of the friends, Janet Johnson, an experienced hiker wants to hike the trail and the other Bob Wild is terrified of the trail and doesn't want to hike it. Bob tells Janet that the reason he is doesn't want to hike it is because people who hiked the trail never came back. Janet thinks this is silly and just rumors. She finally convinces Bob to reluctantly go with her on the trail. The two of them set out on a thrilling and frightening adventure of a lifetime. What they encounter changes their lives forever. The hike encompasses the interactions of people from two different worlds and the meeting of a Charles Manson type leader who thinks he is God.

Stanley Straub was a Guided Missile Technician in the Navy and worked as an electrical engineer in the Aerospace Industry. He is a master at crafting technical thrillers that will capture you and thrill you with his stories. Mr. Straub loves writing Science Fiction suspense stories and has been honing his skills by writing spine-tingling stories since he was in grade school. He has his own unique style. If you like reading suspense thrillers, then you will love reading his books. He is the author of three published thrillers, "The Killer Within", "The Segmented Tail", and "The Trail in the Woods".

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