Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Honeycomb: Boljelam by Junior Sokolov Genre: SciFi Action, Adventure

Get to know Junior Sokolov

•            Tell us your latest news.
 I just completed my first solo novella in the Honeycomb series. Honeycomb: Boljelam
•            What inspired you to pen your first novel?
 Wren Cavanagh, good friend, knows me well.
•            Who or what has influenced your writing, and in what way?
 William Gibson and working in the technology environment
•            What genre are you most comfortable writing?
 Sci-fi Horror
•            How did you come up with the title for your book(s)?
 It was supposed to be Honeycomb: Dock Lizards, a reference to lot lizards, the sex workers in the trucking industry. As the story grew so did my appreciation for the characters and the term Dock/Lot lizard started to feel disrespectful. Also Boljelam, the huge space station where the action takes places grew in presence as I kept writing.
•            Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
 Everyone should be treated humanely and with respect. Unless they are the bad guy. Then you shot them into space.
•            What are your current projects?
The sci/fi-horror  scify/horror-colonization full length novel in the Honeycomb series.  Quint, the chief lawman for the town of Revaltion will have to deal with native monster, an incoming religious faction crash landing nearby and human turned monsters. It’ll be great!
•            What is the hardest part of writing?
 Making the event timelines work, and doing your best to entertain the reader.
•            What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing your books?
 Recognizing that some of my characters defects, were in fact my own. It helped me address those flaws in myself.
•            Is there anything additional you would like to share with your readers?
Be excellent to each other.

•            What are you reading now?
 Radium Girls, Endurance and of course I just finished Midnight in Chernobyl
•            What scares you?
 Serious illness, poverty the loss of loved ones. The current condition of the planet. Letting people down.
•            Beyond your own work (of course), what is your all-time favorite horror book and why? And what is your favorite book outside of the horror genre?
 Ghost Story by Peter Straub is one of my favorites. The Stand of course. House of Leaves is not quite horror but I enjoyed thoroughly. There are just so many.

After a life lived for parties, sex and drugs spiraled into grief, she went to selling herself  and fighting for survival.

Now one Boljelam's angry rebels, she leads a cheapened life on one of the most unjust space station in the universe. Then, she finds an unexpected way out.
An escape from a life of abuse and hardship in the form of a ticket on a ship set for Honeycomb. Taken from a dead woman's purse, it's a one way ticket to a new pristine planet, to heaven.
Will she be able to pull it off and get out alive?
Or will two rabid cops, a zombie AI and a level full of monsters in her way keep her escaping?
And what about that bio-engineered murderer dogging her steps. He wants out as bad as she does!

Reclusive writer from the Pacific Northwest. Hates peanut butter loves Mojitos (sin alcohol, por favor). Sometimes found around 60 feet (ca. 18 m) underwater in the Puget Sound or at about the same depth in the blue and clear waters of Cozumel hovering over a coral reef and hoping to see a shark or a large majestic green turtle."I love thinking of the intersection of new science and horror, the future haunted houses could be space stations or our own scientifically enhanced and hacked bodies,"

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