Saturday, August 31, 2019

Heart of a Warrior Angel: From Darkness to Light by Lali A. Love Genre: Supernatural Thriller

Award winning Author Lali A. Love provides a supernatural thriller of metaphysical and visionary fantasy with her own revolutionary philosophy and unique narrative skills to produce this emotionally invoking, heart-wrenching and gripping tale of a family's rise from poverty, oppression and abuse.Lilac Noble must face the traumatic experiences of her childhood before she can conquer the dark entities that have wreaked havoc on her family. On this epic journey, Lilac undergoes the destructive process of spiritual enlightenment in order to lift the veil of darkness and shame that has obscured her youth. As Lilac unlocks painful memories of abuse, suppressed in her subconscious from years of fear-based conditioning, she uncovers menacing secrets feeding the evil within her generational bloodline. In an attempt to vanquish the sinister energies, Lilac finds the courage to discover her inner truth, vulnerability, and authenticity, as she awakens her divine light and overcomes her debilitating fears of the past. Lilac's unconditional love for her family guides her through her process of healing and transformation, fuelling her instinct for survival and her burning desire to illuminate the world.Spanning two continents and three generations, this inspirational novel portrays the best and worst of humanity and shows how the "tiniest spark of light can overcome the darkness of any magnitude," through forgiveness, compassion, and the most powerful force in the universe - Love.

"The straightforward prose style that delivers the sensitive philosophical ideas written into this visionary fiction thriller."Grady Harp (Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewer)
"A moving tale that should help others find their own inner strength in the face of life's mounting hardships."-SPR
"Articulate and full of spiritualism"Literary Titan

"I could not put this book down. Lilac Noble’s story of harrowing childhood abuse caused by generations of deep social conditioning and fear is gripping and real."-Cool Your Boots, Goodreads

Lali A. Love lives in the capital city of Canada with her husband and two beautiful children who are her greatest source of pride, joy, and inspiration. As a debut author, Lali loves to write stimulating, character-based novels that invoke an emotional response in her readers. She has done extensive research into epistemology and metaphysics to further her understanding of the Universal Laws of Energy.
In her spare time, Lali is committed to writing her visionary fiction trilogy about spiritual transformation. These mystical novels are based on the journeys of three incarnated Angels that have been brought together in the third dimensional existence, to realize their Divine Feminine soul purpose. Each of them must experience unique self-realizations to overcome the dark demonic entities that are determined to destroy their inner light to derail their Soul mission.
As a light worker, Lali has been called to fulfill her soul purpose to embody the light and share positive posts through social media to help uplift humanity. She is assisting this awakening process by projecting her messages of love, compassion and unity consciousness, to connect beautiful like-minded souls around the world. Through the study of quantum energy field of transmutation, Lali has refined her energy clearing techniques based on powerful visual imagery to activate a healing response in others.
With humility, compassion and grace, Lali intends to elevate levels of consciousness for the highest good, empowering individuals to speak their authentic truth. She is an advocate for self-healing journeys, self-realization, and self-love. Lali is passionate about this universal call to action and continues to vibrate at high frequencies of loving awareness.

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Friday, August 30, 2019

A Drop of Magic The Magicsmith Book 1 by L.R. Braden Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

What inspired you to write this book?
One day, I was sitting in my living room reading one of my Mercy Thompson books and I thought to myself, “I could do this.” Then I proceeded to daydream a story about a woman much like myself (people always say to write what you know) who learns she’s part of a magical world and has an amazing yet terrifying adventure. The story I imagined was way too long for a single book, so I decided it would have to be at least five. I sat down and started writing that very day. 

What can we expect from you in the future?
Book 2 of The Magicsmith series, Courting Darkness, and Book 3, Faerie Forged, will be coming out back to back very soon. 

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?
A couple, but I mostly have side stories about the world. I’ve created short stories of the creation myths of various species, and I wrote a story about a pair of sisters set during the time right after the fae came out, before the Faerie Wars. I also plan to write a short story about a demon-beset sorcerer and his paladin during the war. My intention is to eventually have all these stories available to read and/or download from my website.

The war isn’t over . . .
With the world clinging to a fragile peace forced on the Fae by humanity after the Faerie Wars, metalsmith Alex Blackwood is plunged into the world of the half-fae who traffick in illegal magical artifacts. Her best friend’s murder and his cryptic last message place her in the crosshairs of a scheme to reignite the decade-old war between humans and fae.
Worse, violent attacks against her and the arrival of a fae knight on a mission force Alex to face a devastating revelation of who and what she is. To catch a killer, retrieve a dangerous artifact, and stop a war, Alex will have to accept that she’s an unregistered fae “halfer” with a unique magical talent—a talent that would change everything she believes about her past, her art, and her future.
Her world is crumbling around her, and Alex will have to decide who to trust if she and the world are going to survive.
A Drop of Magic is a damned fun and original read, with sass, action, hot men, and a whole lot of magic.” —Diana Pharaoh Francis, author of the Diamond City Magic, Magicfall, and Horngate Witches series

Born and raised in Colorado, L. R. BRADEN makes her home in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with her wonderful husband, precocious daughter, and psychotic cat. With degrees in both English literature and metalsmithing, she splits her time between writing and art. A Drop of Magic is her first novel.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lifeliners by Stefan Vucak Genre: Science Fiction

From Chaos to Order © Stefan Vucak 
The second law of thermodynamics has been expressed in many ways, but it basically means that every ordered system will break down into a disordered state in a process called entropy. This principle is credited to the French scientist Sadi Carnot, who in 1824 showed that there is an upper limit to the efficiency of conversion of heat to work in an engine. This principle eventually led to the concept of the asymmetric arrow of time, which states that once an event has taken place, it cannot be reversed. Generally, we observe entropy at work every day. A spilled cup of coffee cannot be made to refill, and you cannot put back a broken egg.
However, if the second law of thermodynamics was valid in all conditions, the universe as we know it could not exist. Cosmologists have difficulty explaining the behavior of the observable universe and the working of entropy. Many of them ignore the problem by saying that galaxies and stars have evolved from a low state of entropy, which means a more ordered state, and that contradicts what we see. An image of the cosmic background radiation that represents low energy photons that have decayed from the Big Bang is a random assembly of energies, which confirms that the Big Bang was a highly disordered system, a soup of energetic photons. The early universe was in a state of maximum entropy. It could not become more disordered.
But as the universe expanded and cooled, this chaotic system gradually became more ordered, giving rise to fundamental forces, quarks, protons, neutron, and electrons, which coalesced into elements, molecules, and dust that coalesced into stars and galaxies, all highly ordered systems. Granted, once these organized systems formed, they became subject to entropy. Cosmologists and theoretical physicist talk learnedly about the second law of thermodynamic and the arrow of time, but they have failed to explain the tendency of chaotic systems to become ordered.
Gradually, some understanding of this process is beginning to emerge from the theory of chaos, first advocated by Edward Lorenz in 1961. In common usage, ‘chaos’ means ‘a state of disorder’, which neatly explains the early universe. Such systems are extremely sensitive to minute influence in initial conditions, and in the early universe, gravitational fluctuations and variations in matter and energy, set the parameters that gave rise to more ordered states, or levels of low entropy, in apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
Will this apparent contradiction be eventually resolved? Probably, but it will take the unification of quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity that deals with gravity.

When everybody is against them, it is tough being a lifeliner, as Nash Bannon found out. Lifeliners are ordinary people…almost. They can draw energy from another person; they live longer and are smarter. Scientists claim that Western high-pressure living and growing sterility in developed countries has triggered the rise of lifeliners, and homo sapiens will replaced by homo renata within ten generations. So, what’s not to like about lifeliners? Protest marches by extremist groups, riots, attacks against lifeliners, repressive laws enacted by governments everywhere, were portents of a dark future. Young, successful, Nash Bannon did not like what was going on, but he thought he had the world at his feet and life in Australia was good, provided no one found out he was a lifeliner. A chance encounter with Cariana during a lunchbreak develops into something he considered important. The Australian government calls a snap election, and Nash stands as a Senate candidate on the Lifeliner Party ticket. Unless lifeliners rise up and fight for their rights, they can expect sterilization, incarceration, and possible extermination as democracies everywhere turn into autocracies. To survive, the Lifeliner Party must employ the same dirty tricks the government used against them, but they were not prepared for what awaited them.

Stefan Vucak has written eight Shadow Gods Saga sci-fi novels and six contemporary thrillers. He started writing science fiction while still in college, but didn't get published until 2001. His Cry of Eagles won the coveted Readers' Favorite silver medal award, and his All the Evils was the prestigious Eric Hoffer contest finalist and Readers' Favorite silver medal winner. Strike for Honor won the gold medal.

Stefan leveraged a successful career in the Information Technology industry, which took him to the Middle East working on cellphone systems. He applied his IT discipline to create realistic storylines for his books. Writing has been a road of discovery, helping him broaden his horizons. He also spends time as an editor and book reviewer. Stefan lives in Melbourne, Australia.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Wraith by Bryan W. Alaspa Genre: Horror, Suspense, Thriller


The tiny town of Knorr, PA, is one of those places where the walls between this reality and others is very thin. It draws people from all over the world and sometimes things slip through from our world into others while sometimes things slip from other worlds into our own. Nightmare things.

During World War II an experiment was done using a steam engine to see if entering another dimension could create instant transportation of goods and men from one place to another. It unlocked a nightmare from another dimension and only agents from the agency IDEA were able to stop reality from unraveling. The train, known as The Wraith, disappeared along with the scientist who built it.

Now, in present day, a young man hears the distant sound of a train whistle. The rundown train station at the end of the wooded path is somehow regenerating. Plus, people in and around Knorr are acting a little stranger than normal.

The Wraith is coming back, but it's not coming alone. Will Knorr survive? Will the universe?

Bryan W. Alaspa is a Chicago born and bred author of both fiction and non-fiction works. He has been writing since he sat down at his mother's electric typewriter back in the third grade and pounded out his first three-page short story. He spent time studying journalism and other forms of writing. He turned to writing as his full-time career in 2006 when he began writing freelance, online and began writing novels and books.

He is the author of over 30 books of both fiction and non-fiction and numerous short stories and articles.
Mr. Alaspa writes true crime, history, horror, thrillers, mysteries, detective stories and tales about the supernatural.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Boundless Jill Andersen Mysteries Prequel by J.D. Cunegan Genre: SciFi Superhero Mystery

A little more than two years before the events of Bounty, Jill Andersen makes a life-altering decision. But this decision comes with consequences she didn’t foresee, and her first night as the vigilante Bounty winds up being something for which she was wholly unprepared. 

A crisis of faith eventually gives way to certainty: both in terms of discovering who killed a young man named Johnny Ruiz and in terms of coping with the latest change in her own life. 

Along the way, Jill defies death and discovers just how deep the city’s corruption runs. But will she survive the experience long enough to decide if a life of vigilantism is for her?

**only 99 cents!!**

Jill Andersen Mysteries Book 1
Jill Andersen is one of Baltimore's best and brightest detectives, but she harbors a dark secret -- a secret that threatens to come out when the body of Dr. Trent Roberts is pulled out of the Chesapeake Bay. Dr. Roberts' connection to Jill reveals a past that involves a tour in Iraq, a secretive cybernetic experiment, and a conspiracy that involves a native son.

Can Jill solve the case while still keeping her secret? Will her partners at the Seventh Precinct find out what she's so desperate to hide? What was Dr. Roberts looking into that led to his murder? And perhaps the biggest question of all...

Who is Bounty?

Blood Ties
Jill Andersen Mysteries Book 2
For as long as Jill Andersen could remember, her father was a hero.

But heroes don’t commit murder, do they? The state of Maryland said Paul Andersen did just that, three times over, and was set to execute him for it. But Jill and the rest of her colleagues at the Baltimore Police Department come across the murder of a law student that leaves her hopeful that she can clear her father’s name.

While Jill and her colleagues work against the clock to clear her father’s name, new players emerge, hinting to a deeper, darker conspiracy than what was previously known. An enigmatic faction known as The Order reveals itself, and the mystery surrounding Paul’s alleged duplicity leaves more questions than answers.

Along the way, Jill must not only face the possibility that her father was not who she thought he was, but she must also face the prospect of her secret being revealed. The stakes are higher than ever in Blood Ties, the intense follow-up to J.D. Cunegan’s debut mystery Bounty.

Can Jill save her father before it’s too late? Will she even want to?

Behind the Badge
Jill Andersen Mysteries Book 3
For Jill Andersen, being part of the Baltimore Police Department has always been both a tremendous honor and a serious responsibility. Her father, before his fall from grace, had instilled in her a great respect for police and the work they do day-to-day. But when a teenage boy winds up dead on the outskirts of downtown Baltimore, Jill finds herself once again faced with those who would abuse their badges to fulfill personal agendas and uphold biases.

Jill still has a job to do, but she soon finds that not everyone is in her corner. For the first time in almost four years working Homicide, Jill finds herself at odds with people who claim to be on her side. From other cops to suits downtown all the way to the Mayor’s office, it becomes increasingly clear that Jill will need to rely on more than just her badge if she’s to solve this case.

But even if she finds justice, what’s the price?

Behind the Badge, the gripping, hard-hitting third novel in the Jill Andersen series (Bounty, Blood Ties), gives readers another taste of author J.D. Cunegan’s comic book-inspired brand of fast-paced prose, with chapters that fly by and plot twists that will leave readers constantly guessing and waiting for more.

Behind the Mask
Jill Andersen Mysteries Book 4
It’s hard to be a hero when everyone’s out to get you.

Once upon a time, Jill Andersen considered herself a hero. Not just because of the badge handed to her by the city of Baltimore and the pledge she once made to protect and serve. Her secret life, as the vigilante Bounty, had allowed Jill to protect her native Baltimore in ways her day job never could.

But all that has gone to hell now. One case pushed Jill past her limits, to the point where she made choices she can’t take back. As a result, the entire city is on the lookout for her. Allies can no longer be counted on. People who were once in her corner might very well be trying to bring her down… to say nothing of those she has crossed along the way.

But that is the least of Jill’s problems. A shadowy figure emerges among the chaos, and his link to Jill’s past has the potential to be her ultimate undoing. Jill thought every link to Project Fusion has been settled once she solved Dr. Trent Roberts’ murder almost one year ago, but if she’s not careful, her past might just kill her.

Behind the Mask, the gripping, hard-hitting fourth novel in the Jill Andersen mystery series (Bounty, Blood Ties, Behind the Badge), gives readers yet another taste of author J.D. Cunegan’s comic book-inspired brand of fast-paced prose, with chapters that fly by and plot twists that will leave readers guessing and waiting for more.

J.D. Cunegan is known for his unique writing style, a mixture of murder mystery and superhero epic that introduces the reader to his comic book-inspired storytelling and fast-paced prose. A 2006 graduate of Old Dominion University, Cunegan has an extensive background in journalism, a lengthy career in media relations, and a lifelong love for writing. Cunegan lives in Hampton, Virginia, and next to books, his big passion in life in auto racing. When not hunched in front of a keyboard or with his nose stuck in a book, Cunegan can probably be found at a race track or watching a race on TV.

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Monday, August 26, 2019

Mrs. Blackwood (Lord Impaler Series) by A.D. Wayne

Coralie was looking forward to another restful summer in her favorite location. Her life has always been routine, and she thrives on the quiet that her getaway location has to offer. This summer, however, is nothing normal.
She is about to learn that everything she thought was nothing more than folklore is real, and it’s more terrifying in person than it is in the books. As her world turns upside down, she must learn to navigate a new reality and possibly resist the charms of the Sheriff of the South, Damian Blackwood. Although she is intrigued by him, there is a side of him that terrifies her more than she is willing to admit.
There is something at play in the mansion owned by Mr. Blackwood. Dark forces are teaming, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Coralie is about to learn that she might not survive the summer and that there are more secrets lurking that are waiting to be discovered…

**Only 99 cents!!**

A.D. Wayne started writing before she knew how. Always surrounded by books and encyclopedias, she was curious about what treasures lay hidden within each page. Wayne wrote her first novel when she was only twelve years old and continued to come up with new spooky stories almost every day. Her passion for vampires and history, had her fulfill her dream of becoming an author, who would make “monster nerds” like herself happy. A.D. Wayne is obsessed with research, dark sciences, writing, and always learning. She has diplomas in editing, blogging, social media, self-publishing, creative writing, novel writing, ufology, and astronomy. She is a Paranormal Expert by Quora standards. She has a passion for learning, and her novels reflect her ever-growing desire to know more about ancient history and parapsychology. She writes twisted horror stories but doesn’t forget to add the passion.

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Wrinkled Rebels by Laura Katz Olson

    Literary Novel / Historical Fiction Date Published: 07-23-2024 Publisher: Vine Leaves Press   Now 80 years old, retirem...