Friday, May 17, 2019

Lovecarnation: The Promise Lovecarnation Trilogy Book 1 by RKC Puthran Genre: Contemporary Romance

Lovecarnation Trilogy Book 1
by RKC Puthran

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?
I read everything and in the last few years I have focused more on reading self-development books. Some favourite books are -
The code of the extra-ordinary mind
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Pride and prejudice
2 States
Think and grow rich

What book do you think everyone should read?
Vishen Lakhiani’s The code of the extra-ordinary mind.

How long have you been writing?
It has been 18 years since my first article was published. But I haven’t been writing actively though I now will be.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?
They cannot come all at the same time because your story is always developing as you go along.
One of the characters in my story came in at the 5th version and I think that character has made the story strong.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?
Depends on the genre you are writing. So if it is non-fiction, there is a need for a strong research as you are giving advice (normally) so obviously you cannot write your imaginations.
With fiction, the research may be less but you still need to know the setting, the time period and things that happened during that time.

Research these days has become a bit easy due to the internet. You just type what you need and google will throw all the answers. I however cross check in several websites before concluding.

Do you see writing as a career?
If by career you mean a source of income, well unless you are very lucky, it may take a long time before you can live off your writing.
I think the important thing is, and not just with writing but in every other field, the focus should be to provide quality output and think more about the value you are providing to your end user.
The money will come in automatically once you produce quality.

What do you think about the current publishing market?
This is the best time to become an author. Do I need to say anything more?

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?
I am constantly looking to improve myself and one of the best ways of doing that is by reading self-development books. I do it all the time. The other genre is obviously romance.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?
I remember as a child I was able to study with noise around. It was a special ability I had J I still can but given a choice, I would prefer silence.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?
I truly admire authors who can do several books at the same time. For me it is one book as I still need to reach that level of focus where I can switch from one story to another and still do complete justice to both stories.
Also I cannot do more than 1 book at a time because of time-constraints I have due to my full time job and a family.

If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?
Surely Harry Potter J

Pen or type writer or computer?
Computer – easy to delete and re-write

Tell us about a favorite character from a book.
I love my main characters – Rohan and Shona. They are both very different but still complement each other so nicely.

Emotionally complex and gripping, author RKC Puthran brings you an unforgettable story of the transcendental power of love.

Fresh out of college with an MBA and a job at a prestigious bank in the US, Rohan Rai seemingly has more than any twenty-five-year old Indian could have. But he has a different dream for his life, and a clear-cut plan to get there. A cocky workaholic determined to climb the corporate ladder as fast as possible in order to achieve his goals, he doesn’t care who he alienates on his meteoric rise to the top.

Then he meets Shona. She’s everything Rohan’s not—an easy-going Irish girl who lives in the moment, loves Whitney Houston, and enjoys life to the fullest. Although there’s no room for any love in Rohan’s three-year plan, he finds himself increasingly drawn to her. As their relationship blossoms, Rohan slowly finds himself viewing life differently, until a past grudge escalates and his inner demons resurface. Torn between his ambition, his responsibilities, and love, he must now re-examine everything he believes in…or risk losing it all.

Lovecarnation – The Promise 

Emotionally complex and gripping, author RKC Puthran brings you an unforgettable story of the transcendental power of love.

Fresh out of college with an MBA and a job at a prestigious bank in the US, Rohan Rai seemingly has more than any twenty-five-year old Indian could have. But he has a different dream for his life, and a clear-cut plan to get there. A cocky workaholic determined to climb the corporate ladder as fast as possible in order to achieve his goals, he doesn’t care who he alienates on his meteoric rise to the top.

Then he meets Shona. She’s everything Rohan’s not—an easy-going Irish girl who lives in the moment, loves Whitney Houston, and enjoys life to the fullest. Although there’s no room for any love in Rohan’s three-year plan, he finds himself increasingly drawn to her. As their relationship blossoms, Rohan slowly finds himself viewing life differently, until a past grudge escalates and his inner demons resurface. Torn between his ambition, his responsibilities, and love, he must now re-examine everything he believes in…or risk losing it all.

Lovecarnation – The Promise is the heart-wrenching first book of the Lovecarnation trilogy, a thought-provoking series about fate, destiny, and the timelessness of true love.

RKC Puthran lives in Dublin, Ireland along with his wife Rashmi and 7 year old daughter Natasha.
Born and brought up in India, RKC started working as a teenager to support his family while pursuing his studies. His first job was that of a salesman for a sewing machine company.
Unable to sell even a single machine even after 2 months of hard work in the hot sun, the company refused to pay him his salary and he quit. He then took up several jobs from working as a cashier in a 5 star hotel to working for a diamond merchant and in the share market.
Post-graduation, RKC joined a company in the banking and finance sector as a junior officer. Through sheer dedication and hard work, RKC rose through the ranks and managed to get an assignment in London.
He later managed to move over to London on a temporary contract banking job along with his wife for a short period before finally settling down in Dublin, Ireland with a full time job in a bank.
RKC’s intense passion for writing made him write short stories during his spare time though he never submitted any of them for publication. He however wrote articles of general interest which were published in the newspapers.
He co-authored 2 non-fiction books but he did not credit himself on the cover as he wanted his name to be on the cover of a novel first.
LOVECARNATION – THE PROMISE’ is RKC Puthran’s debut novel and the first book in the LOVECARNATION TRILOGY Series.

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